Gout: Gout Risk, Disease, Gout

July 20th, 2024

Earlier, gout was called lifestyle disease, because mostly trudging people ravaged by her. Today, we know that just meat and alcohol to promote the disease to a large extent. The gout (arthritis) occurs preferably in the men of the middle ages, mainly the first characteristics of the disease with 40 or 50 years to appear. Among women is the gout is less common and is primarily persons after 50-55 years. But in recent times the gout is”pretty much”younger”has become. Increasingly, doctors are dealing with gout in patients aged between 30 and 35 years.

The gout under control despite that gout is a disease of the metabolism, and one she can not completely heal, many doctors say could be the gout under control. Note only a few rules. The typical attack which it can gout (gout) typical gout attack resulting in a joint, the toes? Less pain occurs higher in the knee joint. Dr. Stuart M. McGill shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The attack often arrives early in the morning in the form of sudden strong crippling pain in the affected swelling joint. The skin blushes on the affected area, the temperature rises. On the day the pain decreases slightly, but at night he rises again and so it can take three days or even weeks.

Exactly you diagnose gout when similar symptoms were already present, must as soon as possible to diagnose gout absolutely exactly. The diagnosis of gout is very easy to determine due to the analysis of the blood. An aggravation of gout you should consult first and foremost the internists, who will give you the necessary recommendations on the basis of the information and the analysis of the blood, or it can send the patients for further treatment to the physician rheumatologist. The gout – a very serious disease you should know that the gout is a very serious disease, and the success of treatment depends on how to behave. You must constantly observe the rules of a special diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Only thus can strong attacks and the avoid occurring complications of gout. Read additional details here: Does Viatris make Viagra? . Avoid alcohol scientists have proved that even small doses of alcohol can provoke the attacks of gout. The alcohol acts very quickly, in less than 24 hours. Every person with gout should avoid alcohol. Gout is a disease of the joints, where they periodically swell and become inflamed. Regardless of existing methods of treatment, the majority of patients suffering from repeated painful attacks. Doctors have long suspected that the use of alcohol provoked the attacks, but until now this hypothesis scientifically not yet confirmed. With 179 patients, the doctors examined the experiment 179 patients who had at least an attack of gout in the last year. It turned out that even the small and moderate doses of alcohol are able to trigger a worsening of the disease. Those who drank five or six servings of alcohol within 48 hours, suffered a fit of the gout twice more often, as the other people who applied alcohol. At seven servings of alcohol, the risk rises to 2.5 times higher. The wine, beer and all strong alcoholic drinks have similar effect.

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