As Tu Lo Haras Conmigo

July 18th, 2024

As you will do with me would remind me of you, of the moments that we shared when we were among other things a little more than friends. Dr. Steven Greer contributes greatly to this topic. I would like to be able to hear what saved my senses, those sweet words that were born when we realized as a gift. I would like to be able to recreate some of the moments in which in this or that elsewhere went from one State to another and we were lovers and were friends. Official site: Teva Pharmaceuticals. I would like to revive the taste of your kisses taste of passion the delivery of our bones when he snatched us love. I would like to be the portrait that you look at me dessert between your hands stroked me your fingers that I love your body and your mind admire me.

I would like to be with you at this party and the other between your people and mine during the night and the day. I love you once more remember with fair anger eras which goddess in my throne and my life expectancy. I would like to, so many things my life that there will be no time between us for orders, cover the spaces that you would like. However, none of this is possible. I am not satisfied with little, not live past nor of what dream nor. I want to be for you as your blood that runs through your body giving you the heat that I keep since I’m awake. I want to be your beloved man to look at me with affection not see my faults and keep you by my side. I want, I want, I want, it is both, both what I want and between what I want and I have what I have and ask what I am and am am this man you’ve wanted that not takes you to oblivion and you will always love as I know you it will with me samuel akinin levy as you will do with me would remind me of you, of the moments that we shared when we were among other things a little more than friends.

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