Margaret Mitchell

September 25th, 2011

Novel 'Gone with the Wind' was read by many. But the author of this novel – Margaret Mitchell – we know little. His novel, Margaret has devoted her second husband, John Marsh, who pushed her to writing, giving his wife a typewriter "Remington". During 10 years (that is how much writing a novel) every evening, returning from work, John sat down to read the pages written by Margaret for the day. John was a brilliant editor and a sensitive counselor – he not only helped his wife to hone writing skills, but also searching for appropriate literature, and meticulously studied every detail of daily life, costume, described the era. Interesting fact: The novel was not written in strict sequence, episodes written by chance, then they gathered together.

Episodes author perpisyvala many times, we know that a chapter of the novel had 60 options. History of the Civil War, North and South is becoming the core of the existence of John and Margaret, their single offspring. No children or other works of Margaret Mitchell will not. Peggy (her school nickname) Mitchell was born in Atlanta in 1900, grew up in an atmosphere of stories about the Civil War: two of her grandfather fought on the side of the southerners. Her mother Mae Bell Mitchell demanded of his daughter to read books that only the highest level. For this mom originally encouraged the child: for Shakespeare's play Peggy received five cents, ten were evaluated attempts to overpower Dickens, 15 – Nietzsche, Kant and Darwin.



September 18th, 2011

Location of cameras. If you chose a low refrigerator – It will be convenient if the freezer is located above (for example, "Birjusa 6>>" Birjusa 135>, "Atlanta 2826>>). Accordingly, if you have a refrigerator large amount – it is more convenient if the refrigerating compartment is lower (eg "Atlanta 6024>>" Birjusa 143>>), because we use them more often, and this arrangement of the chambers will provide more convenient access – all you need is located at eye level. Location of cameras next, Side-by-side (translated from English. – Strona-to-side or side- side, ie freezer located at the side, mostly on the left, from the refrigerator) provides the most convenient use as a refrigerator or freezer (for example, Samsung RS-20 NRSV). But the size of refrigerators require spacious kitchen. Number motorkompressorov. Refrigerators are one-and dvuhmotorkompressornye.

In motor services and refrigeration and freezer. Two motorkompressora – these are two independent refrigeration system, one of which provides the cooling chamber, the other – the freezer. This allows you to defrost one of the camera, do not disable the other (eg, "Atlanta 6021>," Atlanta 6026>>). Dvuhmotorkompresorny refrigerator more similar odnomotorkompressornogo. Not so long ago, the market of household appliances, a model with a single motor, which also allow for independent adjustment of temperature in the chambers – "Odnomotorkompressornye refrigerators with a solenoid valve>>. In the refrigeration unit of the refrigerator additionally equipped with a special valve which controls the flow of refrigerant circulating in the refrigeration unit. Thanks to the valve chamber refrigerator cooled independently from each other, that is motorkompressor can only work on one cooling chamber when the temperature rose in it.
