How To Sell Flats – Tips For Sellers

January 29th, 2012

Often the current situation in the real estate market is called buyer's market. This means that housing supply clearly exceeds the existing demand. How to make sure that, when accompanied by an extensive choice of buyer is your preferred apartment? Here are a few simple tips … Tip 1. Flats for sale you have to prepare our apartments for the most part do not differ much room, so be as clean an apartment, including the overall furniture, remove all kinds of stuff. Explaining that when you move, I throw all of this necessarily, but for now things "let stand up" will not do: in this case, stealing the most valuable – the space, and the chance to make a "correct" impression may not have to introduce myself.

Ideally, if the apartment is empty and clean. Cleanliness – is the next important component of the process of preparing the apartment for sale. Should be washed in a flat box, refresh the chandeliers and lighting, monitor the cleanliness of the floor and in a timely manner to dust. Remember that light – this volume. Do not forget that the impression of the apartment does not start from the front door, but much earlier – in the entryway. Therefore, care must be taken and the purity of the entrance, there is sufficient light in the stairwell. But do in the apartment chic renovation in order to sell more expensive, does not make sense – the money spent will never fully returned. In determining the prices Property has a more significant role location and condition of the house, infrastructure and other characteristics.

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Children Happiness

January 22nd, 2012

The search for happiness and meaning in life being back to prehistoric times, with 'varying degrees of success. " Even today, many are trying to find the secret of happiness, but for some reason, only the 'ancient wisdom', referring to mysticism, religion, and to all kinds of gurus – heads of sects. In this contemporary, 'armed with' abstract romantic and medieval notions and vague idea of what exactly they are looking for, often pass by simple human happiness. And all the 'thanks' to that under the influence of folk tales and Hollywood, from childhood accustomed to understand happiness as a gift of destiny, winning by luck, that is, as something randomly received, in addition, 'a fast', such as headache tablets. But Few people realize that this understanding of happiness involves only primitive childish selfish happiness ("Everything to me!"), it is a complex of feelings: security, self-care, carefree, comfortable to meet physiological needs and the desire to possess things he liked. Of course, over the years and added to the adult physiological need – sex, as well as the need for personal intimacy, and real estate in the prestigious things. Still, linking happiness with the satisfaction of these needs, the search is on for all the children of the same selfish happiness. According to the classification (What is it, happy?) We can distinguish 5 types of happiness, not counting surrogate forms of drug-related and schizophrenic fanaticism: 1. The basic form of happiness (by default, as they say) – Children's happiness.

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Golden Sands

January 10th, 2012

I tried to give you a reason for reflection, to assess the opportunities and adjustment purposes. The choice is yours. 4.Kakovy price indices (cost and lease) commercial real estate, in particular villas in different segments and in different cities in Bulgaria? Villa – but rather objects of real estate than commercial, although the face is conditional. If you take a villa to rent, then it will become a commercial real estate in Bulgaria, but for this country is not typical. This is a resort country, so the rental market does not leave a niche for private individuals – homeowners, the market is occupied by competing firms. All these questions are very personal and in many ways depend on the location did not object, but also from its status and other factors. The highest prices in the vicinity of Varna and the resort's 'Golden Sands'.

Finished villas in Bulgaria for sale at prices ranging from 400 to 1,000 USD per square meter. You can m. buy a villa and at a low price, but with the subsequent repair. The last 2-3 years, with the approach of the date of entry into the EU, property prices in Bulgaria, and especially the villa, went up sharply. Compared with 1999, they doubled. On predicted by our experts annually, at least until 2007, the price increase will be 20 – 40%, after 2007, it has at least one year must be maintained at around 20%. Further predictions made quite difficult. But, given that most Liquid real estate in Bulgaria on the coast and the coast of Bulgaria, though extended, but not infinite, the inevitable by 2008 should be a recession buzz.

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