Career Day

February 4th, 2012

But in the financial sector have been more otvetstvennosti.V early May, cancers need to pay special attention to managing its destructive energy. At the same time, the May sun will create prerequisites for establishing an active relationship with friends and the subject adoration. Leo Tender May not seem Lions so much tender, except that since the third decade, when friends and fans will show their lives with a beautiful hand. But the beginning of the month will be for them a period of intense planetary influences. To work Lviv very opportune time in the mid to late May.

In the early months of home care will come from them to the forefront. The family will Lions support. Together with parents, they can deal with real estate. But we should not risk money. On a career path Lviv in May will stand serious obstacles. They need to beware of deception and not succumb to illusions. End of the month at the Lions begins with successful, harmonious days. Maid May – most productive period of the year for Dev, it is for them a very good month, despite the misunderstandings that can occur in them with friends.

In May, the Virgin will implement the plans mapped out by it all vyanvare 2010. At the end of month benchmarks are displaced in the direction of Career Dev, all the forces will be sent out to preserve the credibility and won positions. As of May falls and improve the social status of the Virgin.

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