Chess And Quality Of Life

September 22nd, 2012

Chess and Quality of Moises life Branches Baptist ' ' The life is not easy pra who constructs! ' ' – MoiSex Summary the work has the objective to develop one better quality of life for pupils who play chess of the Municipal School Carmem Age, thus the methods of the Project will be used were carried through in the period of one month in which a test was applied of thinks and life habits in which the first one was before initiating the project and as it was after the project, thus getting excellent resulted, that after one month can verify that through tests that the pupils improve its form of life including hygiene, neo-reolgicas conditions, health, logical reasoning and mathematician and direction of live deeply in the thus verified school in tests with professors of the school. Words Key: Pupils, Chess, Quality of Life. Abstract The work aims you develop to better quality of life will be students who play chess Municipal Carmen School Age, it will only uses the methods of the Project was conducted during one month in which we applied test of reasoning and habits of life in which was the first project before starting it and the second was to after the project, thus obtaining excellent results, which to after month you can check that using tests that students improve to their way of life including health, neo-rheological conditions, health, mathematical logical and thinking and sense of well established experiences in school tests and school teachers. Keywords: Students, Chess, Quality of Life. Introduction the chess is a tray game in which it can have only two participants, but adapted in the school depending numbers on it of people, thus has of nature to be recreativo, but, however developing many benefits for adolescents in the school, or any another environment, thus aid in the intellectual maturity, creating bigger responsibility in the adolescents in such a way in the life how much in the taking of decisions, therefore the chess as millenarian game, it possesss rules in which cannot taken of decisions must be made and never moved, as well as in the life never it can come back behind after what it is made.


Apud Caspar Barlu

September 15th, 2012

The tumbeiros were overcrowded and carried 700 slaves on average, without the lesser condition of hygiene and comfort. The hunger, the dirt, the discomfort and the illnesses as escorbuto, vitamin deficiency, diarria, were common. The sick captives were poisoned and played to the sea. They esteem themselves that 30% of the blacks on board died during the long one travel. As soon as they arrived at the ports of Brazil, the Africans, stuned and sick also they would go for the market of slaves (when not vendidos in the proper port), or displayed in public square and auctionzed, as an object any, in a similar way that the healthy ones, however with lesser price, are clearly.

Worried about the damages, decurrent of the great number of blacks died during the trip, Nassau writes the king, sees such confirmation in the stretch the low one: … Will be of the interest of the Company to have well-taken care of greater with the blacks, since of the 6400 exported of Africa between February of 1642 and July of 1643, they had died 1525. I want to believe that the cause of this she is not another one that, maltratos in the ships, unprovided of the necessary one for travel, die these unfortunate persons for the dessaseio and pssima feeding. The prices of them vary as are well or badly nourished. After the passage, of a space for these if to remake the bodies. Of the opposite the lean ones lose its value almost entirely, or weak for the bothering of the navigation, Report of Nassau soon dies after the landing … (on Brazil. Apud Caspar Barlu, p.338). Over all, pssimas conditions where the blacks lived, were not only restricted inside of the ship, for the opposite, a time vendido, simply to its new played them owners in senzalas, supplied the surplus of foods, much work, with horria load of 15 the 18 hours per day, beyond the sexual abuse of the blacks most beautiful, for the owner, its children and administrators or captain of the weeds, as they were called, and the severe punishments.


Better Conditions

September 9th, 2012

The aim of this paper is you analyze what the teams or period required will be the consolidation of family affection on the issue of abandoned children. KEYWORDS: Abandoned children, Affect, Society, Better Conditions, Rights of citizenship. 1. INTRODUCTION The Right, while to be able subjective, passes for ways that if irremediably enveredam for the most complicated areas of the convivncia human being, and thus relations could be instruments of controversy and controversies that exceed the limits of the coherence. The family is the primordial institute of all individual and its formation inside of it is of basic importance in the definition of the traces of its personality. , Thus wronged he will be that one that does not have a man and a woman to call father and mother. The importance of a father and a mother for a child is a imensurvel necessity.

Unhappyly those children exist, and they are not few, that its father or its mother does not know, or even though none of the two. Generally are abandoned children devoid of affection and affection. Circumstance this that much caution on the part of the State when dealing with these children, including itself also the adolescents demands there, when creating measured and protetivas laws of these individuals. The child and the adolescent are beings in development and, as such, must receive a special and integral protection on the part from the State. (VENOSA, 2005) It is to have of the family, the society and the State to assure to the child and the adolescent, with absolute priority, the right to the life, the health, the feeding, the education, the leisure, to the professionalization, the culture, the dignity, the respect, the freedom and the familiar and communitarian convivncia, beyond placing except for of all form of recklessness, discrimination, exploration, violence, cruelty and oppression.
