Dental Infection

March 25th, 2013

Recent research suggests a relationship between oral disease and systemic diseases and other medical conditions. When inflamed gingival tissue causing the presence of gingivitis, inflammatory mediators called cytokines that are in the gingival tissue they can enter your saliva flow and can also be aspirated into the lungs. The bacteria responsible for periodontal disease can also enter the circulatory system around the teeth and travel to other parts of the body. Oral bacteria can cause secondary infections or inflammation of other tissues or organ systems in the body treatment with antimicrobials aims to prevent the spread of infections, Odontogenic, local extension and the contiguity of infection, reduce bacterial inoculum in the infection and prevent the complications of the Hematogenous spread bacterial (metastasis via blood)every time that oral infections and dental procedures can cause a bacteriemia (presence of bacteria in the blood). Odontogenic infections and, above all, its complications can produce systemic disorders affecting the general condition of the patient and committed his life. It has shown that oral cavity may be the site of origin for the spread of organisms pathogens a various sites of the body, if scattered microorganisms found favorable conditions, can be installed at a site and determined, after some time of latency, start a multiply.

Odontogenic infection Progresaa throughout the periodontium and alveolar bone to the affects, since this area is spread through bone and periosteum toward neighboring and distant structures. The importance of these infections lies in that can trigger other infections that compromise most distant structures by continuity and spread. The propagation distance by lymphatic or Hematogenous route may have resulting complications venous and neurological, including thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, meningitis and brain abscess. The elements influencing the progression of infection units of the patient’s condition and the virulence of the microorganism. Scientific evidence has shown a relationship between some oral infections and certain systemic diseases of cardiovascular, lung and endocrine (diabetes mellitus) character as well as alterations in the gestation tombs.


Bleaching Dental

March 12th, 2013

It is no secret to anyone that a beautiful smile is characterized by a few teeth white and gleaming, but is this good?. To answer this question we must start from a fact that few people have in mind: the natural color of the teeth is not white. Tooth whitening techniques there are variety of treatments to whiten your teeth, however the most commonly used are those which consist in applying a series of gels over the teeth that, thanks to its chemical composition, reduce various tones color of denture. The gels used to do so are generally based on Carbamide Peroxide-based hydrogen peroxide, also with a concentration of 35% or 35%. This kind of gels are usually applied by a dentist as main part of treatment (which generally takes 1 hour), to then be complemented with gels and home use toothpastes that contain the same components but at lower concentration. Tooth whitening addiction there are people who are so obsessed by the fact of having a few teeth whites who become addicted to tooth whitening.

This behavior is known as Blancorexia. In principle, tooth whitening done adequately by oral health professionals should not have negative effects on teeth, however abuse of treatments to keep teeth white, in any of its forms, if they can generate problems in teeth in the medium and long term. According to studies long term of twelve years of duration, repeated use of treatments to whiten teeth can cause damage to enamel and the inside of the tooth. Even some studies have described irreversible damage to the tooth structure, as reabsorption of the roots of the teeth, destructions of prismatic layers, chronic pulpitis, which can result in costly endodontic treatments, or in the worst cases, the loss of teeth.

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Dental Plan

March 6th, 2013

Choosing a Dental Plan for a healthy life, all components of a body must be in good condition. Dental health is important since the mouth plays an important role in our lives. The health of teeth has become expensive and many people look for the possibility of affordable dental centers. Invest in a dental plan works because people approves companies when it wants to and adheres to its services as a membership. These plans differ from dental insurance schemes and people are highly benefited by this. People have a technique to preserve as well as your money and also make the providers run with good satisfaction. Today, people are in stress by trying to save money by doing all their activities. There are different options available for people who want to continue with their finances in control.

All expenses must be planned properly to reduce costs and save money. Dental insurance and plans are elected by people to take care of their teeth. People join the plan chosen by the different vendors that are online. When you submit your membership letter, granted you reductions in the services offered. Family plans are available from which individuals can choose different treatments. When choosing a dental plan, it is best to take a look at the listings. There are different types of teeth cleaning. People can select from a variety of options and use different annual plans.

Services differ regionally allowing to plan accordingly. When using any type of plan, individuals backed by providers in your home to save more money. You don’t need to spend much money all the time to do this. Why choose a plan appropriate dental may be the solution you’re looking for. To find more information about dental clinic madrid visit our site: dental insurance source: press release sent by Infomaniaco.
