The Segments

August 29th, 2013

The focus for these interactions must be proportional staffing resources and people with a level of sufficient training and aligned incentives. Finally, another quantity of resources commensurate must go to excite the customer. Each entity in your measurement, and the larger with greater capacity, must identify and put in place improvements in the service in order to surprise the client and get out from the competition. Some succeed with his social commitment, others with their technological sophistication in alternative channels, others in his image of exclusivity segmentation of high value customers on the other hand, not all customer segments have the same value for the entity, nor have the same profile or are related by the same channels. Not a retired personal banking customer, who goes to the Office expected the same thing each week to a young professional whose main channel is the web, that the owner of a trade in expansion.

That its entities customers expect to be satisfied varies. In result, the value of each of the segments to the entity also varies, making it key to perform a segmentation and an analytical prioritization to rationalize efforts. At the large number of improvements to make in organizations to generate a level of excellent service and surprise customers who increasingly have the highest expectations, Cognodata recommends the prioritization based on analytical. The objective is to increase the level of satisfaction and, therefore, bonding and loyalty of its clients. The media are divided into three major areas: prioritize improvements in the service based on the gaps which generate a higher level of dissatisfaction in customers and track the impact of changes. Prioritize the commercial activity to meet in exceptional cases the moments of truth that higher value customers really appreciate or even to generate emotions that will hardly forget. Put in place a robust system of prevention of layoffs, retention of customers and recovery of the same based on predictive analytics and prioritizing the layoffs with greater impact on revenue and customer value.

The study of Cognodata in which participated more than 15 multinational financial institutions makes clear its concern to the problem posed by the leaks. However, his approach tends to be isolated, reactive and focused on this particular issue, and they do not show a global concern about improving the satisfaction and loyalty of its customers. Cognodata, by contrast, suggests an approach with a proactive and driven analysis vision to improve the degree of fidelity. This approach focuses on the identification of the key interactions between customers depending on the segment and in the prioritization of investments based on the generated customer value and satisfaction increase.

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Lord Farquaad

August 14th, 2013

Clearly perceives that his thoughts were irrational and there is a cognitive restructuring making it happy. Lord Farquaad, presents a few irrational thoughts thinking like a person better than the others, which makes him develop an arrogant behaviour, tyranny and abuse of power. Through their thoughts of grandeur, understands at all times that your approach is correct and true, no matter the arguments of others. However, this thought hides an unconscious emotional suffering, i.e. Lord Farquaad is not aware that actually has a major inferiority complex. Donkey, as it is reflected above, presents a conflict of fear to loneliness, and from this perspective, irrational thinking of a donkey consists of what you think is not nobody by itself and it needs to be accompanied to be someone. Think that you can sit alone causes you much emotional suffering, so their behavior is flattering, sycophantic, complacent, etc. In the case of all the characters, occurs in my opinion, following the list of irrational ideas (adapted from Ellis and Grieger, 1977), the presence of a matching irrational thinking for all of them: as is absolutely necessary to be loved and adopted by the other almost at all times.

And the overall grade given to themselves, their self-worth and self-acceptance depend on the degree of approval which will give them others, expressed differently by each one of them. Therefore, the objectives of cognitiva-racional therapy will be: identification and modification of the erroneous thoughts and their inadequate behaviour knowledge and correcting cognitive patterns that produce maladaptive ideas assess relevant situations in a realistic way learn to perceive the real facts and not just the biased formulate explanations alternative to test cases generation of skills to correct distortions the therapist will explain to the patient how they work their vicious circles so that they maintain their symptoms. The patient could understand how they relate to their erroneous thoughts with emotional suffering in your specific case.
