Buildings Resistant

September 17th, 2013

Make good decisions about where to live, knowing the difference between a building safe and unsafe in some way are importantisimas and should be protected from this natural phenomenon to those who inhabit any type of building. But nothing is guaranteed when it comes to earthquakes or other calamities. But luckily, there are certain methods of construction and materials to make structures more resistant to earthquakes. Being aware of this information can save you and your family. In general, all the buildings can withstand weak earthquakes. They do not break down or collapse immediately. The reason for this is that most of the buildings can support its own weight, more a little more. Even poorly constructed buildings and structures may challenge the upward and downward movement caused by earthquakes.

But it is the side to side motion which makes buildings collapse. Most of the buildings are not designed to support this. Structures and buildings must be supported to withstand the side effect of an earthquake. There are others methods that we can use, but is most common in lighter rule the building, less charges and is better for everyone. But do earthquake-proof buildings are actually constructed? But you have to determine the reasons why a building collapses in the first place.

Why buildings collapse in earthquakes? ** Most of the buildings are not built to withstand seismic shocks. An earthquake moves the Earth and sends a series of shockwaves from the beginning, but this side to side motion that causes the most serious damage. ** Some buildings have the wrong proportions. Increased the building’s height, broader and stronger structure and Foundation should be. However, many buildings tend to forget to do the necessary structural works after an additional weight of improvement. Many buildings have not been strengthened when the extra weight was added. ** The structural frameworks should support construction but most of the buildings, especially those of several floors, where the floors are built and the walls are only compatible with repose and on the walls, based solely on its own weight.
