
October 24th, 2013

When the last of those who had witnessed his show increasingly less incidentally, was gone, the old puppeteer, turned off the lights, picked up their puppets, and returned to their memories.-was almost a unexplained for him, that those figures that gave life, after so long, had begun to say words that he did not said or believed not to say-perhaps…but not determined with certainty since when had ceased to dominate the subtle movements of its puppets, to move to be handled, but was almost certain, it coincided with the time that began to feel surrounded by the cold, and today was so much… He looked a few logs at home, and I take a decision, looked for the vessel with fuel, threw the dolls at home, and then spraying them, he dropped the bowl to the floor-sat in his old chair, lit a cigarette, and while he threw the match to the home, he closed his eyes, he had decided from that point go the path of memories, and without judging, relive their successes and mistakes, as if you put life in a sensitive balance, as almost every human being at some point in their lives have done or we’ll do-I thought perhaps in childhood, or in his youth, perhaps, images are never clear, but a great jumble of life.-What strange and hidden place of our brain goes into activity in moments as well?. .Do and boy man gave way to man old, and with the right of age took that decision, perhaps by that rarely had it echo, by ignorance or cowardice never would think about it, what?, if anything would change if he had learned anything, it is that it is so difficult to change the course of one’s own, as to be able to change the world?…


Amnesty International

October 16th, 2013

According to the aforementioned NGOs, the number of immigrant women murdered by their partners or ex-partners is six times higher than that of the Spanish. When the report was completed by Amnesty International, had been killed 65 women, of which 24 were emigrants. And in subsequent weeks, until November 28, died violently 14 women more, of which 5 were emigrants. According to the Council General of the judiciary of Spain, in 2006, in one case out of four women killed by violence, macho, victim and aggressor were immigrants. The significance of the increase of female immigrants as victims of gender-based violence, is due perhaps to men who migrate as couples, boyfriends or husbands are more sexist than the indigenous of the country? That conviction probably form part of undocumented beliefs, but without discarding it (there is the Declaration of the President of Mexico), it investigated is that women immigrants, by far, are more vulnerable, and that the decrease of female immigrants as victims of violence against women has come because they have greater access to information, to knowledge of entities that support them and can help, the best available to officials of the State support and helps immigrant women at risk of violence against women is not graceful concession but by recognition of the rights which havein your country, here or where they are. And in terms of possible specific machismo of his executioners, as elsewhere, of other cultures and traditions, let clear, against traditions and cultures, they prevail without discussion human rights, whose universal declaration, incidentally, has been signed and ratified by the majority of States in the world.

And that is not wet paper or empty rhetoric. Because human rights are not proprietary or ownership of any culture or nation. These include the right to life, the right to integrity and the right not to suffer ill-treatment and not to be tortured. That is precisely what We are writing.

Crown Implant

October 8th, 2013

As they reabsorb the maxillary bone, does not lose stability after a time.There is the possibility to replace teeth without filing contiguous parts, i.e., can replace a single tooth, unlike what happens with the jumpers. For its part, dentures with hooks end up damaging the teeth for support.Improve appearance: there are various treatments to meet the Crown of a tooth, but the root can only be replaced through an implant. Thus, maxillary bone does not lose volume and, therefore, prevents the face seems older, maintaining the youthful.The replacement of natural parts in full causes that with implants possible eat anything without any hassle, advantage that have no dentures, for example, even if your lace is unbeatable.Unlike what happens with dentures, the implants do not present difficulties to the patient when speaking because they do not move.We have a lasting technique, so much that you can lengthen a lifetime. In fact, they endure more than your own natural teeth and, in addition, its position is perfect and supports a load axial and proportional to its size. Not have this advantage hairpieces teeth without root, treatment that has to be repeated after a certain period of time. We arrived at the main cause of the fear of the patient, whether the treatment is painful.During the surgery, the patient remains anesthetized so you will not feel any pain. Once completed the effect of anesthesia, you will notice some discomfort as well as swelling of the treated area. The inconvenience caused by can be perfectly controlled with analgesics and anti-inflammatories.

Usually such discomfort will not be more than those produced by getting a tooth pulled. Finally I can confirm that two studies are necessary to perform a Dental implant only pre-surgical: an X-ray panoramic and periapical and in some cases a computerised axial tomography. I hope to have removed doubts and fears about the topic and feel if your dentist tells them that an implant is the best solution.
