German Electrical Engineers

November 24th, 2013

Estimate outer cable diameter, Estimated weight kg / km Today we want to honestly explain to the consumer that he wins, and what risks and what he accepts, choosing one or another cable. Choose quality. The consumer has the right to ask if there is a cable NYM TU, then it can be used with the same success as the cable according to the standards of German Electrical Engineers? We will answer this: Yes, Of course, you can. NYM cable meets specifications for electrical safety. But the result of its use, not least will depend on the guarantees for a clear, high-quality, professional and very responsible construction work. You can rely on such assurances? In other words, you believe that during the construction works will not accidentally hit the cable trowel, hammer or other object? In our view, from no one is immune. For cable, manufactured according to TU, damage membranes and isolated by the assembly will be fatal, and, being hidden from your eyes under plaster or in the cable channel, it becomes a hidden threat to your home, office or business, and may cause a fire. Do you think the Association of German Electrical Engineers why developed a design that clearly defines the outer dimensions, laid more material consumption, which is just wasteful, compared with the same parameters for the cable to specifications.

The Germans made a mistake? Not at all! The Germans have always been able and know how to count money. This ‘extravagance’ – protection against the inevitable non-compliance with building regulations. So, it ensures safe operation of the cable, even for minor injuries. Choose: If you are a specialist in construction work and decided build their own, or exercise tight control over the conduct of construction works – you can safely use the cable NYM, manufactured according to TU. If at least one of these factors is absent, it is necessary to acquire cable made according to the standard German Electrical DIN VDE. In addition, we can not say yet another advantage of a cable made by German standards – is that its protection is guaranteed ‘VDE.

Institute testing and certification ‘, Offenbach, Germany. In a cable made of N, so there is no protection. There is another question: how to distinguish the cable, made by German standards and specifications? The most affordable way to ensure that you get one or the other cable – pay attention to the marked cable. Cable to DIN VDE on the envelope has a characteristic sign marking VDE, and the manufacturer of the cable must have a license for cable marking mark of conformity VDE. Europe has made its choice, the choice is yours now, dear consumer – NYM standard German Electrical NYM or for technical reasons. Make no mistake!

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