
February 26th, 2014

Let’s live the present as a constant journey and not as an end in itself. Our natural tendency makes, unconsciously, we see in the past, as someone other than who we truly are. We believe that under the current circumstances we have managed to come up with something. Our situation is real. We understand the why of things. At times, depresivamente. But with the belief of the cycle is complete.

We always speak as if were going before another person, without experience or maturity. Weren’t we, me / now / perfect gift by depressed to be. We look back as if we were not previously complete. Before we were not ready. Now Yes. Silly it was.

Things of the age. And we even believe it. It is a noble lie that makes us our mind, but which ultimately do nothing but leave us in sidings. It is a constant throughout our lives. We need to autoafirmar us by telling us that we have come to an end. We cling to that feeling of control, however small that is. The moment present, which is always, is the reference from which we see the world. We assume our weaknesses, care, which we want to show, because we are generous and fair, now that we are older. If we have that feeling. Prize! We continue with the water to the neck. Reared, without seeing that we give the Ferris wheel turns. Now is the before then, invariably. This was easy. We must understand that today, yesterday, and tomorrow, we are in a station stop amidst the maze of existence. Our continuous path flowing, although we believe that our history comes and part of the present, which is the Center. And not. We are travelers, as people, as human beings, as a species. Like Ulysses, the transcendental is not the destination, but the journey. It is in the understanding of the journey where we should locate our excitement of live. To make that determination, to decide to enjoy the constant flow of each step, without belittling our past, forgiving us if it is necessary, that has enough already poor, the time always is here and now. At any moment, it is never late or soon. And if we do not, by indecision, cowardice, carelessness, ignorance, or because it will give us the WINS, it won’t come an avenging angel to punish us. Again will be. The remedy is penance. And the here and now will continue, waiting patiently, for that I give with stable output without ramming us with horns. And I would not like to end without saying that to me, what really I like, as much as hurts to many, they are the celebrations of my people, with their celebrations and clamor.



February 13th, 2014

This mixture of words that dresses and shoes is to explain that there are things that are unique, though, sometimes not entirely exclusive, feminine domain. Some are constituted in karma, others are inherent in the status of women, some cause us hilarity, other benefit and others a bit of laughter. According to how and who look at them. Somewhere I don’t say that to EA It wasn’t him because it seems to me that you I will not believe. To pass the or the what follows the curse of shifts. Calendar under the arm, the woman knows at the beginning of the month has an unwavering mission: get several shifts a month.

Read: Gynecology, dentist, hairdresser to cite some of the more gruesome. That Yes, we have the perfect revenge, when it touches us of the transient that, Hurrah!, there to take out any advance or no previous preparation, except have always at hand, the spontaneous desire to enjoy, celebrate to the crazy/ACE. You doubt existentially female: temporary depilation with (the element of torture to choice:) typewriter razor on him, when we’re rushed, we we love even if you sow more hair and he wants us to kill, or some electrical and electronics and the Cleopatra dream of plucking us, the whole hour, while we let our imagination that inexorably ever plan on address to a. NT waxy epilation and the ays with each boot of the element when it dries on our skin. And the family behind the bathroom door wondering if we are alive; until they become accustomed to the matter and by more than we profiramos sharp estentoreos no longer be inmutan.

And if by chance of the law, falls a visit, put it, automatically, in cars saying: pst, not do case, is MOM epilating wax. Thus our intimacy also will, automatically, to the devil. Creams anti age that leave us more ojerosas than usual and consequent exclamations in the mirror: the perfumery I conned, propaganda says anti wrinkle and anti age and wrinkles They proliferated and I look older before exonerate my dinerillos .grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr be with the visit of Andres just when we started vacations or finally have decided to go to a swimming pool.


Aldo Zanetta

February 4th, 2014

This leads to a second point consolidation degree/invoicing of the supralying rock, in a scale from 0.4 to 1,0. 3) The final step is the determination of the depth of the phreatic layer in the case of water-bearing prisoners or the depth of the ceiling in water-bearing prisoners, not originating a third point in a scale from 0.4 to 1,0. Deliberate or accidental over-exploitation will vary the depth of the phreatic one, and in some cases the degree of confinement of the water-bearing one, considering that the mentioned ones are characteristic intrinsic of a water-bearing one in a given place. Nevertheless, by the indexativo character of the proposed scheme, such effects will be barely significant. Great emphasis has occurred in which to make an attempt to define a general vulnerability to a universal polluting agent in a typical scene of contamination, can take to erroneous conclusions.

The interaction enters the components of the vulnerability of water-bearing the contamination and those of polluting load to the subsoil are very complex and would have to be updated constantly. This interaction determines the risk that polluting they reach to the water-bearing one. Certain types of load, like that they highly contain movable and persistent polluting agents or those that get ready under the phreatic layer, cause a high pollution hazard of the water-bearing irrespectivo of his vulnerability. In all the other circumstances, the interaction between the components of the polluting load and the vulnerability of water-bearing would determine the pollution hazard. On the basis of all the exposed one it is obtained, for the determination of the water-bearing index of vulnerability of a value of: 0,49.

CALCULATION OF THE POLLUTION HAZARD. Taking these two values now to the corresponding graph one is that the risk that it happens an episode of contamination enters the category of MODERATE, considering the previous considerations. As it would be said, in this Planta perforations of monitoring of phreatic layer are due to construct.
