Managing Director

March 25th, 2014

Dental laboratory services and the dental practice after a recent decision of the BGH (AZ: I ZR 231/10) it represents an inappropriate ursachliche influence on the dental diagnostic and therapeutic freedom if dentists contractually agree, can participate in a dental laboratory operated by a limited liability company with all incurred in treating their patients dental laboratory services to hire and dentists with a corporate structure on winning this GmbH. In the case the applicant concluded an operator of a dental laboratory, in 2001 a cooperation agreement with the defendant, which were established a community of practice dentists. Then this among other things undertook to instruct the laboratory for all covered dental services. But, services, where patients actively given the selection of laboratories (section 2.1.) were excluded. Previously, the applicant was founded in the same year by the present Managing Director, a dental technician master and a limited liability company.

In addition existed between the applicant and the above mentioned GmbH contracts on the establishment of a peaceful society, where the GmbH including profit rights approved to. Sole shareholder of GmbH was an AG, which was founded by the dentists in the life. End of 2005 announced the dentists the cooperation and began to operate their own laboratory. The applicant still demanded the fulfillment of the contract because it only properly could be terminated in 2011. The defendants countered, however, the agreement was null and void because it violated medical professional law taking into account the corporate agreements. You could not ask the defendant, to continue a first real of them anti-competitive behaviour. Therefore, you could cancel extremely at this time. The judge rejected the lawsuit and gave the defendants right.

They found were that the dentists by the clause in the agreement (section 2.1.) against violate dental professional right. Specifically they saw the so-called prohibition of assignment here injured, according to which it is especially not allowed dentists to demand a fee for the assignment and referral of patients or promise other benefits or grant to even promise or grant. Purpose the prohibition of this assignment is namely to prevent an unobjective influence on the dental treatment services, to prevent decisions against the interest of the patient. The dentists such restricted were cooperation in their dental freedom, that your decision to entrust only the tied dental laboratory, dental orders was no longer exclusively the interests of patients. This is also not relevant that no direct consideration was provided by pages of the dental laboratory in prospect in the cooperation agreement. Because due to the profit rights the option to influence the society existed for the dentists at any time. At the same time, the judges saw a violation of the applicant against the UWG until July 2004 applicable 1. This provision also prohibits dentists to align their decisions not only on the well-being of the patient, but to an own interest in obtaining a return. That according to the cooperation agreement, patients themselves have the opportunity to choose their dental laboratory, nothing in the outcome changed. Because just such patients who expressed no particular idea with respect to the selection of the laboratories, rely on the medical independence. Since both parties have violated a legal prohibition, therefore the underlying legal transaction, so the cooperation agreement, to be regarded as null and void, so the judge was. Other non-binding and free information around the right of professionals, see

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LEA Dental

March 13th, 2014

Over 1 million hits on in the last year alone. The third complete relaunch of the five-language website of Dr. Walser released today after seven years dental in the network. The new site and the new brand are still clearly designed and includes over 1400 pages. In addition numerous details, such as the collection of the most important magazines from dentistry, contains some clips that show very clearly how easy Walser tooth matrices are now user movie. To compare the cost of dental matrix systems, incorporated a savings calculator on the website for all users or interested dentists. This is very easy to use and shows clearly how big the savings during usage which is tooth matrices compared with different matrix systems Walser.

In addition, “Voices from the field” collected, available also as a download available. There enthusiastic dental professionals from home and abroad the Walser report your experiences in applying tooth matrices. More at about Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH the Dr. Walser is dental since 1948 manufacturer of dental instruments, which are sold worldwide. Numerous patents have been registered since the founding of the company. “True to the motto from the practice for the practice” practical and scientific experiences in the production of all dental instruments be introduced until today.

With an export quota of 75%, the company delivers its products worldwide in over 80 countries. “” Awards: first medical technology company 2006 innovation success in the top 10 at top 2007 again in 100, top 100 companies, 2007 international best factory Award “in the top 3, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 for the Oscar of the middle class”, nominated and get the industry Prize 2008. “2008 Top 100 product” in the United States. Honored for the social commitment in the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wurttemberg and the Caritas. 2009 the company won the business Goldjupiter”. 2010 in the top 10 of the most innovative solutions in the Medical technology for the industry Prize chosen. nominated for the industry Prize, 2011 2011 immortalized in the industry’s best 2011 medium-sized price LEA “socially engaged, title 2011” 2011 nominated for the great prize of the middle class “and finals reached.


About Humor

March 11th, 2014

Emilio Albaerto Restrepo Baena Humor is serious thing. It is hour to vindicate his to carter sublimante of the spirit, chaotic germ by essence and by paradoxical essence, to pound of the balance, to be riotous you bring back to consciousness of them, resquebrajador of the labels, insurrector of the order. It is necessary to give back its Majesty to him. It is necessary to stimulate its essentially subversive nature, that it leaves from the revolutionary principle to ruin the apparent structures to recreate a new internal procedure. Because humor tries to reframe a new world, a novel form to assume the things. The ridiculous situation is invoked to see that the daily thing is in ridiculous itself and ridiculous in our spectacular one and we are forced tendency to do of the elementary something transcendental, surround with the inflexible armor of seriousness passing of all the smallness that constitutes our daily form to come.

And humor is deserved, assumed, gotten up to the nature of that one and only of that one, that is inconforme with itself. That one wretch does not generate humor who accepts the norm like absolute principle indissoluble of behavior. It forces to take party. It drags in its greatness. To its step there is no character that does not fold nor force that does not offer truce.

Humor reframes the nature of the relations of the man with itself and the world. It is the thermometer of his affection, the catalyst of his tensions. It prints a rate to him different from the weariness. It unmasks the conformism as I generate accomplice of the alienation. And for that they impose the necessity to extend like counter-argument to which they consider an escape superficial of immature idiots and, humor is only defended in its importance. Because humor is important.


Heath Paraibano

March 10th, 2014

Being formed for the union of 66 cities grouped in eight microregions as: Heath Paraibano, Great Campina, Curimata Occidental person, Eastern Curimata, Hope, Guarabira, Itabaiana and Umbuzeiro. With geographic characteristics through its main urban centers as: Great Campina, Guarabira, Sand, Banana trees, Great Alagoa, Solnea, Cuit and Queimadas.Situada in a transistion area enter the Zone of Mata and the Hinterland, the Paraibano Wasteland correspond to the portion east of plateaus of the Borborema and its depression is acatingada with species of Atlantic bush transistion vegetation, having observed always the presence of plants in such a way of trays how much of the sertes. Where its altitude is situated in the intermediate part of the State, through the mesorregio of the Wasteland that occurs to the coast, in the direction west, it corresponds initially to a depression, with 130m of altitude, formed for crystalline rocks, and that soon of the place to abrupt scarps of the Borborema, whose altitudes exceed 600m. Having as base the Plateaus of the Borborema that represents the part highest of the paraibano relief, with mountain ranges and scarps. Extending itself of Alagoas until the Rio Grande of the North, It is the more important relief accident of the Paraba with the biggest altitudes that are in the verge with Pernambuco. Where higher point of this relief is in the Mountain range of Teixeira in the city of Matureia, Pico of the Jabre with 1197metros of altitude. For its topographical profile, the Plateaus of the Borborema serve of barrier for the come humid winds of the ocean, what it allows to the rain occurrence in the hillsides east of the region. The characteristic climate of this region is Tropical Half-Barren – hot and dry with summer rains and is located in the area of the high Hinterland the west of the state. Where rains of 500 mm per year occur on average, with irregular rains in the summer and the autumn, the central region of the state, enclosing the Hinterland and the region of the Cariri.


David Bohm

March 6th, 2014

It is a process that is related to all the potential of the human being: scientific, spiritual, artistic and social. The educator holistic view to the student how to be human possess an unlimited inner potential, as someone sensitive oriented to learn, a spiritual in search of meaning, an aesthetic be able to recognize the beauty inherent in life, a being with multiple dimensions of human experience. Speaking of intelligence this holistic recognizes the limitations of thought, what David Bohm called proprioception, or consciousness of oneself and of the consequences of the own behavior; It is a creative process closer to the wisdom that knowledge is ability of discernment to recognize responsible action. It is unconditionally linked to human values, it is not possible to separate the intelligence of love, compassion, gratitude, freedom, respect, humility, solidarity, friendship and honesty among other values. It is the deployment of the understanding of the value of all life and all human beings. Holistic education recognizes also multiple pathways for learning and different styles of learning, Weider points out that an educational method that is the best there is because every human being has their own style to learn equally valid to those of other humans; genuine education must recognize this fact and respect the multiplicity of perspectives, this aspect, art helps us to achieve this goal. In holistic education most importantly learn beyond the idea of the old paradigm teaching/learning; the logic of the new paradigm is based on the process of learning and in this new vision all those involved in the educational process converge in school and although they fulfilled different roles the objective of all is learning. Learning is a process that lasts a lifetime. Ramon Gallegos, referring to the faith, reason, and spirituality on the other hand says that: faith is a religious belief that is linked to the fear, dogmas, is maintained on the basis of the threat, is pre-rationalistic, is a pathology of the superstitious minds that must be rejected, instead the spirituality is direct from the transcendental experience, is based on the certainty of his being spiritual, its interior light, of the confidence, of fraternity, of inner peace, of compassion.

South Australia

March 4th, 2014

Submerged houses. People deceased and missing people. Cities arrasadas for the water flow. These had been manchetes in the two cantos of the South hemisphere: Brazil and Australia. All year, Brazil suffers with the consequncias of rains. All year we see manchetes as these.

Why nothing was made the respect, exactly being easy to foresee what it goes to happen in the next season to rains? A died thing intrigues that me is as the number of and missing people can be so great. It was a tragedy, yes, but of Australia also he was. The area flooded in the country corresponds to a small European State. the number of died does not exceed 100, against the 750 of Rio De Janeiro. Both the countries had suffered tragedies, but the Brazilian one shows the reaction, preparation, infrastructure lack.

What it happened here was still more tragic because it showed the true poverty of one of the ten bigger economies of the world. What it happened in the River seems not to affect the remaining portion of Brazil. They are manchetes, they are deceased numbers, they are ' ' ours, that horror' ' exclamados accidentally for who assite to the periodical. What I heard in Adelaide, South Australia, was a people feeling the northeast tragedy of the country as if she was its proper one. Exactly separate for all the extension of the country, the indignation and empatia that vi in the Australian ones lack to the Brazilians. Brazil does not understand that the problem of a Brazilian would have to be of all. The Brazilians do not understand that while they will not be a people, only people who live the same in country, these things go to continue happening. tragedies that could be contained goes to continue to leave the control. But it will be that some Brazilian one really goes to understand how much the responsibility for helping those that had lost and the ones that will lose everything for rains is in such a way its proper one how much of the government, until he is he himself to be dragged by the water?
