Muscle Secretion

March 19th, 2017

But even on an empty stomach, do not. For 2-3 hours before going to the fitness you need to eat small amounts of food, consisting mainly of complex carbohydrates, or protein (Buckwheat, vegetables, lean meats, cereal or bread, low-fat cottage cheese). And no fat! It is very important not to eat 2-3 hours before exercise and after. For half an hour before a workout you can drink strong green tea. This will help the secretion epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells that the body can use it as fuel.

During a workout to drink water (not fruit drink or soda, as some do, namely, water!) How many? It depends on the intensity of the workout and your need. The main thing – do not feel thirsty. If you want to build muscle, then after the power or simply a high-intensity exercise should eat. In the first 20 minutes after a workout in the body is open so-called "posletrenirovochnoe (anabolic) window for protein intake (chicken breast without skin, egg, fish.), and carbohydrates. Eaten during this period carbohydrates and proteins will be used to muscle recovery and increase muscle mass. 3) greatly reduced her diet to a couple of lettuce can not be every day should eat no less than 1000 kcal. When the body is starving, he begins to lose muscle mass, decreases body temperature at 0,1-0,3 degrees, the pulse rate of 2-3 beats per minute, blood pressure, decreased muscle tone, there is a lethargy, drowsiness. nowledge. Losing weight while slowing down.
