Getting White Teeth

June 10th, 2017

So you're looking in the mirror this morning and what you've seen? It was a beautiful bright white teeth or as the best part of the population that was looking a bit boring? Like most things in life teeth gradually fade to yellow in color. If you are a fan of coffee, tea or red wine drinker then this will accelerate the process and can also stain teeth. It seems that almost every cosmetic company has tried to monopolize this industry with everything from whitening toothpaste to whitening strips. But there's only really two main options. Take whitening systems in the home using trays and whitening gel or in the office for immediate results with a light activated whitening gel to brighten teeth.

What are the procedures? Take Home whitening kits Take home whitening has become very popular in recent times due to its flexibility and lower cost at home teeth whitening. Compensation is it takes a little longer to achieve the desired results (from 3 days to 2 weeks) This is done using a tray as after layer with a prescription whitening gel 30 minutes to several hours at a time (depending on sensitivity of their teeth). Your dentist will make an appointment with you to have a personalized print to be used as a template to make custom trays. Once the whitening trays are ready to have another appointment with your dentist who will test for a proper fit. The dentist will show the patient how to use the trays in conjunction with whitening gel.
