French Text

August 28th, 2017

In time: it is not treated to total and absolute indifference, but to, and for times an on this side prejudiced attention, to the qualities particular of this efficient prosador. The exercise of the dialogue in Person if makes, among others experiences in chats ficcional, in the text teatral the sailor, writing between days 11 and 12 of October of 1913 and published in the edition number 01 of the Orpheu Magazine, in 1915; that, for the scarcity of studies, assumes the function of corpus of this critical analysis ensasta. The Sailor presents itself as inexact sailing of Fernando Person in waters mist of the Portuguese dramaturgia of the beginning of century XX. of inexact, is read: capricious, voluble, changeable; in opposition to inube, clearly, night watchman; not being, in absolute, synonymous here me the literary quality. One is about teatral text that the principle, and in shortened way, is seen as a simbolista exercise in chats poetical little or almost nothing appropriate to the more conventional teatral stage. It is happened again: in shortened way; a time that the apparent impregnated simbolistas aspects in the text had collaborated for the anticipation and consolidation of innovative elements to the modern theater of century XX.O produced theater, then, in the Europe of ends of century XIX, are a simbolista, explicit decadentista theater, conducted for the Belgian poet, dramaturgo and ensasta of French language Maurice Maeterlinck, read for the Portuguese writer, as register of the virtual library of the house of Fernando Person. Reading that, without a doubt, influences making teatral of the Marinheiro.Em the text of Person, three women confabulam on its existences dived in interminable reminiscncias. The body girder of a bridge of a dressed maiden of white is seen died and deposited to a coffin that occupies the center of the room that serves of scene, only enough e.


Bacterial Plaque

August 25th, 2017

What is the plate? What is plaque? It is a colorless, sticky film composed by bacteria and sugar that is formed and constantly adheres on our teeth. It is the main cause of tooth decay and gum disease and can harden and become Tartar if not removed daily. How do I know if I have plate? All have plate because the bacteria are constantly formed in our mouths. To grow and develop, bacteria use waste from our diet and saliva. The plate causes decay when to produce acids, they attack the teeth after eating. Repeated acid attacks destroy tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. In addition, if the plate is not removed correctly irritates the gums around the teeth and gives rise to a gingivitis (bleeding gums, swollen and red), periodontal disease (disease in the support tissues of the tooth) and even to loss of teeth.

How to prevent the formation of plaque? With proper care, it is easy to prevent the formation of plaque. It is important to observe the following care: brush carefully, at least twice a day, to remove the plate attached to the surface of the teeth. FLOSS daily to remove plaque that forms between the teeth and under the edge of the gums, where the toothbrush cannot reach. Limit the intake of starches and sugars, particularly sticky foods. Set a schedule of regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning and dental exams. Original author and source of the article.

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