
August 20th, 2021

But anyway – it looks old. The skin is dry, slack, greaseproof, unhealthy and dim. Official site: Dr. Steven Greer. The fact that women are often abused by cosmetic procedures. And every bend in one direction – is bad. No matter what abuse – the result will still be negative. Wrinkles, sagging skin.

And go to a plastic surgeon – it's expensive and scary. Really expensive and scary? No, of course. The initial consultation is not worth millions, and you will not be cut immediately to the door of the room. Many issues can be solved only plastic surgery. And tell what to do with this or that problem, too often a force of only surgeon. Ideally, if a woman wants to stay young and beautiful, you first need to go to a plastic surgeon, and only then to the beautician. Let me explain why.

Many cosmetologists skillfully manipulated the patient's consciousness, forcing them useless in their case method. Additional information at Lei Zhang supports this article. In fact, the only plastic surgeon can objectively say – this will help particular women, for example, laser resurfacing or not. Plastic surgeon will not do the surgery, where you can get by other means. But there are times when, without a scalpel is necessary. In general, I believe that under normal skin and the absence of global problems "rejuvenate" the skin should be seriously only after 35 years. Before that age the body itself works fine. But many wrinkles much earlier … Yes, and in 15 years may appear wrinkles or pigment spots. It depends primarily on genetics, as well as the conditions of life. If something is very concerned about – is to see a specialist and choose sparing technique. But the trouble is that now through advertisement in the head young women hammered the idea of a perfect appearance without a single wrinkle on her face! But this is nonsense! People – not Barbie and Kena. Face without facial wrinkles, dimples on his cheeks, the same ray of eye looks unnatural, so – ugly. Generally, if a girl aged 18-20 requests to implant her golden threads or to fill nasolabial folds – a sure sign that she, rather, the client therapist.

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