About Humor

March 11th, 2014

Emilio Albaerto Restrepo Baena Humor is serious thing. It is hour to vindicate his to carter sublimante of the spirit, chaotic germ by essence and by paradoxical essence, to pound of the balance, to be riotous you bring back to consciousness of them, resquebrajador of the labels, insurrector of the order. It is necessary to give back its Majesty to him. It is necessary to stimulate its essentially subversive nature, that it leaves from the revolutionary principle to ruin the apparent structures to recreate a new internal procedure. Because humor tries to reframe a new world, a novel form to assume the things. The ridiculous situation is invoked to see that the daily thing is in ridiculous itself and ridiculous in our spectacular one and we are forced tendency to do of the elementary something transcendental, surround with the inflexible armor of seriousness passing of all the smallness that constitutes our daily form to come.

And humor is deserved, assumed, gotten up to the nature of that one and only of that one, that is inconforme with itself. That one wretch does not generate humor who accepts the norm like absolute principle indissoluble of behavior. It forces to take party. It drags in its greatness. To its step there is no character that does not fold nor force that does not offer truce.

Humor reframes the nature of the relations of the man with itself and the world. It is the thermometer of his affection, the catalyst of his tensions. It prints a rate to him different from the weariness. It unmasks the conformism as I generate accomplice of the alienation. And for that they impose the necessity to extend like counter-argument to which they consider an escape superficial of immature idiots and, humor is only defended in its importance. Because humor is important.


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