Aldo Zanetta

February 4th, 2014

This leads to a second point consolidation degree/invoicing of the supralying rock, in a scale from 0.4 to 1,0. 3) The final step is the determination of the depth of the phreatic layer in the case of water-bearing prisoners or the depth of the ceiling in water-bearing prisoners, not originating a third point in a scale from 0.4 to 1,0. Deliberate or accidental over-exploitation will vary the depth of the phreatic one, and in some cases the degree of confinement of the water-bearing one, considering that the mentioned ones are characteristic intrinsic of a water-bearing one in a given place. Nevertheless, by the indexativo character of the proposed scheme, such effects will be barely significant. Great emphasis has occurred in which to make an attempt to define a general vulnerability to a universal polluting agent in a typical scene of contamination, can take to erroneous conclusions.

The interaction enters the components of the vulnerability of water-bearing the contamination and those of polluting load to the subsoil are very complex and would have to be updated constantly. This interaction determines the risk that polluting they reach to the water-bearing one. Certain types of load, like that they highly contain movable and persistent polluting agents or those that get ready under the phreatic layer, cause a high pollution hazard of the water-bearing irrespectivo of his vulnerability. In all the other circumstances, the interaction between the components of the polluting load and the vulnerability of water-bearing would determine the pollution hazard. On the basis of all the exposed one it is obtained, for the determination of the water-bearing index of vulnerability of a value of: 0,49.

CALCULATION OF THE POLLUTION HAZARD. Taking these two values now to the corresponding graph one is that the risk that it happens an episode of contamination enters the category of MODERATE, considering the previous considerations. As it would be said, in this Planta perforations of monitoring of phreatic layer are due to construct.


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