Americas Honey

December 9th, 2021

Historical evidence indicates the existence of bees in different countries. However, until 1500 the presence of bees is fixed only within the Old World. Since the XVI century, the family of the honeybee were brought by settlers in the Americas, and later in Australia. Our country's territory was inhabited by bees from the west. Believe that their ancestors had remained in the post-glacial period in the delta areas Danube. From there, the current area covered steppe and forest steppe zone of Ukraine. Other species of bees on yield performance of honey bees.

Indian wild bees are bred and used in Japan, China, Vietnam, etc. Frequently Julian Robertson has said that publicly. The other two species bees – a giant and dwarf bee bee – live only in tropical southern Asia. The above four species of bees are united in one genus belonging to the family of bees. Honey Bee is the next place in the taxonomy of the animal world: type – chlenistonogieklass – nasekomyeotryad – pereponchatokrylyesemya – pchelinyerod – pchelavid – honey. Provide some benefits as other relatives of these unique insects. In particular, we have a very widespread in nature bumble bees, which pollinate most effective red clover and a number of other cultures.

Bee – listorez adapted to collect food for the flowers of alfalfa. Its specially bred in some countries, in some farms to opylitelnoy of arranging artificial nests, shop for incubation and storage of the brood. Osmium – a useful kind of bee is involved in pollination of flowering plants in the spring. The methods of cultivation and use them for pollination of fruit trees and alfalfa fields. All of these beneficial insects need to protect nature and help in their reproduction. Most related to human activity honeybee, which began to grow on apiaries. Protect bees from diseases of various adverse conditions, and if need be – fed. All this requires a certain amount of funds, the organization of bee-keeping, beekeeping facilities construction, manufacturing hive mastering knowledge. Beekeeping – an important branch of agriculture. More information about breeding and keeping of honey bees can be read at medosbor.rf.


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