Beauty Elixir

December 11th, 2021

Elixir of beauty there, but … Once considered the age of 25 years is critical. As if this year old man begins to fear … Psychologists say that on reaching 25 years, we are more inclined to consider our peers older than herself. Not only women but also men notice before making the way on her head bald fellow peers than on their own. Still upset: it really is old age? In fact, the aging process begins at the moment … birth. Scientists argue, for example, that vision has never been a person not be so sharp as at the time of birth. Educate yourself with thoughts from Andreas Halvorsen.

Then the elasticity of the eyeball – slowly, it gradually – is weakened: the age of 15 years, we are acutely see objects distant from us by 7 inches, in the age of 25 – to 12 centimeters at the age of 40 – to 40 centimeters, and after 50 years, as a rule, use goggles. Each of us wants to grow old as late as possible. We support their health pills and injections. We use the latest discoveries in medicine and biochemistry, which supposedly can stay young, hoping: maybe during the lifetime of our generation will open the elixir of eternal youth? When asked what the aging, some scientists are responsible succinctly: age – it gradually loses its elasticity. As evidence, give examples: the eyeball, the skin. The water content in the cells with decreases over time, and that is why the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby, wrinkle.

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