Better Credit

December 6th, 2013

In this article ‘Which bank is better for buying a car on credit? ” we learn about the better credit programs that are offered by the most well-known banks for car buyers in business class. Buying a car the buyer expects that the design of road vehicles on credit, is not inferior to the comfort and prestige of such a machine. It can be described as a full range of services, which suggests an almost unlimited choice for the customer. The richness and variety of credit proposals, addressed to car buyers of business class for the prostate can be reduced to five major categories. 20% down payment ‘is the most common sentence banks when buying a car on credit. It presents all the big and famous banks that have already proved themselves in the Russian market. The loan rate equals the effective rate + no hidden fees.

However, it should Remember that the package of required documents is not limited to driver’s license and passport. By the banks are drawing up such loans include: Raiffeisenbank, Rosbank, Bank Soyuz, Impex and others. Minimum initial This installment credit program for those who are currently a large amount of free cash for a down payment does not possess, but to buy a car on credit he wants. An initial contribution of 10-15% and a maturity of 5 years will the loan is best for your budget. Among the banks offering this loan product can be noted: the Savings Bank and the Bank of ‘Societe Generale Vostok “Without the additional documents. This product is designed for those customers which, due to lack of time are not able to issue additional documents for obtaining car loans.

The bank will require a minimum set of documents: passport and driver’s license. The time for consideration loan application is different from the standard. However, be aware that interest rates under this scheme, the loan is higher because not lose those customers who plan to repay the loan early. This credit provides, For example, Russ-Bank. Credit with a minimum of overpayment. This group can be attributed to banks ‘transparency’ rates, which enable customers to save money, if he will provide a complete package of documents required for registration car on credit. The initial payment on such loan, usually equal to 30%. By The Bank issues a type of loan are: Gazprombank and Raiffeisen Bank. Also, be aware of special offers, which Banks are developing jointly with the Motor Show. Under such proposals in the car loan is issued at a discounted rate. Such proposals are for a limited time and they can be found only in the bank.


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