Cake Recipes

April 12th, 2012

In Russian the term 'cake' comes from the Italian language in the early eighteenth century. And the Italian word 'cake' comes from the Latin 'cake' which means' round bread. " It is not accidentally baked cakes, mostly in oval, in the round, much less – square or hexagonal forms. Sometimes, in order to prepare a special cake from layers of sponge cake layer cut out desired shapes. Recipes of cakes used mainly in the following quantities and each piece is decorated individually. Baked sponge cake cut into layers, then impregnated with a flavored syrup, then applied cream oil lotion and placed a layer to another. Upper layer and sides of the cake is covered with the same cream sides sprinkled biscuit crumbs, and the surface layer is decorated with a chocolate cream, butter oil, candied fruit or fruit. When cooking cakes it is desirable to follow some rules: 1.

Butter, eggs and other products must be fresh; 2. Wheat flour before use to sift and dry 3. Yolks, oil and protein needed to pulverize and mix the clay, porcelain or enamelware 4. Proteins to foam, you must first beat slowly, gradually accelerating movement and pour in this little sugar or a pinch of salt. Foam should be dense and thick, but it in no way be beat too long, since it can then sit down.

Whipped foam must be immediately mixed with the dough and put it in the oven, to give an easy lower light, and after the dough rises, increase the temperature and supply the dough above 5. Willingness baking is easy to learn, piercing the cake thin wooden stick. If the cake is ready, the stick is dry, 6. Baking a cake to obscure oiled paper and sprinkle with flour or fine breadcrumbs. To make the dough from the top is not burnt, it is necessary to cover it with a damp paper 7. Cake should be fragrant and slightly moist. Before folding and lubricate the cake with a cream cake, you need to soak them with syrup or sweet wine. Syrup made from water, sugar, wine, juice, rum, coffee and so on. For the sponge cake used the cream with the addition of fats: butter and chilled cream. Sand cake with lots of fat is recommended lubricate fruit jams and other 8. Decorate cakes candied peel, marmalade, jam and icing. To paint the glaze, cream and lipstick applied special friendly paint in various colors. White paint can be easily obtained from a mixture of sour cream, powdered sugar and protein; yellow – of overcooked carrots, tincture of saffron or lemon peel, grated grated and pressed, brown paint – of tincture of coffee, sugar, bleach in the pan and diluted with water. Blue dye gives a special dye called 'indigo carmine' and the green paint is formed from a mixture of yellow and blue. Chocolate produced from cocoa powder or chocolate and red and pink – from cranberry juice, raspberries and other berries, purple – a mixture of red and blue paint. Not recommended to use creams, glazes, and lipstick is too bright tones. Nor should we pile on the culinary excessive amount of jewelry products, vegetables, fruits, flowers and other things. It is better to stay at 2-3 components, distributing them at the same time to taste.

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