Cancer and Medication

November 10th, 2012

Already there are cancers that respond well to drugs for several years. The patients with tumors of estroma gastrointestinal tend to tolerate medecines, thus, for example, Reid said. ” I have many patients who back come and to say, ” Except because you say to me that I have cancer, I not it s” ” , it said. But after a time, the cells of these patients the cancer to change and to evolve to become resistant to medecines, to find ways to avoid almost any drug, said Reid. Some patients with cancer of it sucks to take medecines during 10 years to prevent the recurrence, said doctor Stephanie Hines, doctor in center of the chest in the Center of the Clinical May of cancer in Jacksonville, Florida.

Nevertheless, great advances have become in these drugs, said. ” It is not a real promise in the time, to eradicate the cancer of mama” , it said. ” I would say that perhaps not in next the five or 10 years, but she can happen. – I do not know if in ours vida.” Nevertheless, just a few types of cancer are cured, and that often depends on the early detection – the cancer of breast in early stage and the testicles are two of the few examples, Reid said. Around the 80 percent of linfomas they are cured, Brawley, said.

The metastatic cancer of lung and metastatic cancer of breast, however, are more prone to become ” someday; diseases crnicas” , that they would be tried throughout the life of a person instead of to eliminate itself, Brawley said. ” Once this metastasis propagates, the surgery cannot really be done unless the patient wants to become ” cherry picking” by all the body, something that really not funciona” , it said. At present, some types of breast cancer even undergo a backward movement with chemotherapy. The specialists in cancer compare these types of cancer of breast like ” a fire without flame that ignites ” from time to time; and it requires more water, said Brawley. The obejetivos in the treatments of the cancer to extend the amount of time in which a person can live, that if ” is one; it puts razonable” , it said. The specialistic doctors in cancer of emphasize that the initiative of Obama is great assets for the investigation of the cancer. ” I believe that all the tools are there – that are right, we must do the hard work of the tests of them, to evaluate them and to put them at the disposal of the patients, said Reid.


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