Internal Auditorship

December 19th, 2013

With the increase of complexity of the operations of a company, increased the internal necessity of norms and controls. As the proprietor of the company it could not make this, somebody would have to make this for it. From there the figure appears of the internal auditor whose main function is to verify if the internal norms come being followed. The internal auditor is employee of the company, but as he executes countable and operational auditorship, he must inside have certain independence of the company. If it will be dominant to the countable department or administrative, it can suffer pressures when from the execution of its works. Thus, to have the biggest possible degree of independence, the presidency of the company would have to be dominant. In companies of great transport, a true department of internal auditorship exists. The internal auditorship is carried through by an employee of the company.

its main objective main to take care of the necessities of the administration. To obtain the fulfilment of this general objective of services the administration, has necessities to play such as: To revise and to evaluate the effectiveness, sufficiency and application of the countable, financial and operational controls. To determine the extension of the fulfilment of the norms, the effective plans and procedures. To determine the extension of the controls on the existence donates asset of the company and its protection against all type of loss. To determine the reliable degree, of the information and countable data and another nature, prepared inside of the company. To evaluate the quality reached in the execution of tasks determined for the fulfilment of the respective responsibilities. To evaluate the strategical risks and of business of the organization. The external auditorship is made by a total independent professional of the auditada company. The objective of the external auditor is to emit an opinion.


Category Talk: Schools Economicas

December 12th, 2013

From mercantilism and physiocracy until today. I. Introduction Economics is the social science that studies the way in which societies allocate their scarce resources to the production of goods investment manager and services that will meet your needs (always increasing). The study of economics Vantera can be divided into two main camps. The theory of prices, or microeconomics, which explains how the interaction of supply and demand in markets with different levels of competition determine the prices of each property, the level of wages, profit margins and changes in income.
Microeconomy the assumption of rational behavior.
People spend their income trying to get the maximum satisfaction possible or, say economic analysts try to maximize their usefulness.
For their part, employers try to obtain the maximum benefit over its cost of production.
The second area of macroeconomics, understood the problems concerning the level of employment and the rate of income or income of a country.
The study of macroeconomics began with the publication of The General Theory on Employment, Interest and Money (1936), the British economist John Maynard Keynes.
Its findings on the stages of expansion and economic depression focus on aggregate demand or aggregate of goods and services by consumers, investors and governments.
According to Keynes, inadequate aggregate demand to assets generate employment, the solution would increase business investment or public spending, although returns this is necessary to have a budget deficit.
II. Major schools of economic thought over time
Economic issues have preoccupied many intellectuals throughout the centuries. In ancient Greece, Aristotle and Plato spoke on issues related to wealth, property and commerce. During the Middle Ages ideas were predominant in the Church, canon law was imposed, which condemned usury (charging interest abusive for cash) and believed that trade was a less than agriculture.
Economics, modern science as separate from philosophy and politics, dating from the publication of research work on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
(more commonly known by the abbreviated title of the Wealth of Nations, 1776), Scottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith.
Mercantilism and the speculations of the preceding physiocrats classical economics of Smith and his followers in the nineteenth century.
A. Mercantilismo
The development of modern nationalism throughout the sixteenth century to divert attention from the thinkers of that time as to increase the wealth and power of national states.
The economic policies that prevailed at that time, the commercialism, promoting self-sufficiency of nations. This economic doctrine Impero in England and elsewhere in Western Europe since the sixteenth century until the eighteenth century.

The mercantilist view that the wealth of a nation depended on the amount of gold and silver to take. Apart from gold and silver mine discovered by Spain in the Americas, a nation could only increase its reserves of precious metals to sell more products to other countries in buying.
Getting a balance of payments surplus implies that other countries CEO had to pay the difference between gold and silver.

The mercantilist assumed stocks that his country would always be at war with others, or preparing for the next contest. If they had gold and silver, the leaders could pay mercenaries to fight, as did King George III of England during the War of American Independence.
If necessary, the monarch could also buy weapons, uniforms and food for the soldiers. Jean. B. Colbert (1619-1683), minister of Louis XIV, institutionalized the export of French products to create gold and whose impact development on a very important industry gala.

This concern mercantilista to accumulate precious metals also affects the internal politics. It was imperative that wages were low and the population grows. there are many asset management companies that have been associated with who recently authored an article for the internet site, The Daily Beast Large populations and low-paid produce many goods at a price low enough to sell abroad. Forcing people to work long hours, and funds was considered a wasteful consumption of tea, gin, silk fabrics, among others.
This philosophy also showed The Daily Beast that it was good for the economy of a country child labor. Mercantilista an author had a plan for the children of the poor:
“When these children are four years, we must take refuge for the poor of the region, where they were taught to read for two hours a day, and they have the rest of the day working on tasks best suited to asset management their age strength and investments capacity. “

Better Credit

December 6th, 2013

In this article ‘Which bank is better for buying a car on credit? ” we learn about the better credit programs that are offered by the most well-known banks for car buyers in business class. Buying a car the buyer expects that the design of road vehicles on credit, is not inferior to the comfort and prestige of such a machine. It can be described as a full range of services, which suggests an almost unlimited choice for the customer. The richness and variety of credit proposals, addressed to car buyers of business class for the prostate can be reduced to five major categories. 20% down payment ‘is the most common sentence banks when buying a car on credit. It presents all the big and famous banks that have already proved themselves in the Russian market. The loan rate equals the effective rate + no hidden fees.

However, it should Remember that the package of required documents is not limited to driver’s license and passport. By the banks are drawing up such loans include: Raiffeisenbank, Rosbank, Bank Soyuz, Impex and others. Minimum initial This installment credit program for those who are currently a large amount of free cash for a down payment does not possess, but to buy a car on credit he wants. An initial contribution of 10-15% and a maturity of 5 years will the loan is best for your budget. Among the banks offering this loan product can be noted: the Savings Bank and the Bank of ‘Societe Generale Vostok “Without the additional documents. This product is designed for those customers which, due to lack of time are not able to issue additional documents for obtaining car loans.

The bank will require a minimum set of documents: passport and driver’s license. The time for consideration loan application is different from the standard. However, be aware that interest rates under this scheme, the loan is higher because not lose those customers who plan to repay the loan early. This credit provides, For example, Russ-Bank. Credit with a minimum of overpayment. This group can be attributed to banks ‘transparency’ rates, which enable customers to save money, if he will provide a complete package of documents required for registration car on credit. The initial payment on such loan, usually equal to 30%. By The Bank issues a type of loan are: Gazprombank and Raiffeisen Bank. Also, be aware of special offers, which Banks are developing jointly with the Motor Show. Under such proposals in the car loan is issued at a discounted rate. Such proposals are for a limited time and they can be found only in the bank.


German Electrical Engineers

November 24th, 2013

Estimate outer cable diameter, Estimated weight kg / km Today we want to honestly explain to the consumer that he wins, and what risks and what he accepts, choosing one or another cable. Choose quality. The consumer has the right to ask if there is a cable NYM TU, then it can be used with the same success as the cable according to the standards of German Electrical Engineers? We will answer this: Yes, Of course, you can. NYM cable meets specifications for electrical safety. But the result of its use, not least will depend on the guarantees for a clear, high-quality, professional and very responsible construction work. You can rely on such assurances? In other words, you believe that during the construction works will not accidentally hit the cable trowel, hammer or other object? In our view, from no one is immune. For cable, manufactured according to TU, damage membranes and isolated by the assembly will be fatal, and, being hidden from your eyes under plaster or in the cable channel, it becomes a hidden threat to your home, office or business, and may cause a fire. Do you think the Association of German Electrical Engineers why developed a design that clearly defines the outer dimensions, laid more material consumption, which is just wasteful, compared with the same parameters for the cable to specifications.

The Germans made a mistake? Not at all! The Germans have always been able and know how to count money. This ‘extravagance’ – protection against the inevitable non-compliance with building regulations. So, it ensures safe operation of the cable, even for minor injuries. Choose: If you are a specialist in construction work and decided build their own, or exercise tight control over the conduct of construction works – you can safely use the cable NYM, manufactured according to TU. If at least one of these factors is absent, it is necessary to acquire cable made according to the standard German Electrical DIN VDE. In addition, we can not say yet another advantage of a cable made by German standards – is that its protection is guaranteed ‘VDE.

Institute testing and certification ‘, Offenbach, Germany. In a cable made of N, so there is no protection. There is another question: how to distinguish the cable, made by German standards and specifications? The most affordable way to ensure that you get one or the other cable – pay attention to the marked cable. Cable to DIN VDE on the envelope has a characteristic sign marking VDE, and the manufacturer of the cable must have a license for cable marking mark of conformity VDE. Europe has made its choice, the choice is yours now, dear consumer – NYM standard German Electrical NYM or for technical reasons. Make no mistake!

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October 24th, 2013

When the last of those who had witnessed his show increasingly less incidentally, was gone, the old puppeteer, turned off the lights, picked up their puppets, and returned to their memories.-was almost a unexplained for him, that those figures that gave life, after so long, had begun to say words that he did not said or believed not to say-perhaps…but not determined with certainty since when had ceased to dominate the subtle movements of its puppets, to move to be handled, but was almost certain, it coincided with the time that began to feel surrounded by the cold, and today was so much… He looked a few logs at home, and I take a decision, looked for the vessel with fuel, threw the dolls at home, and then spraying them, he dropped the bowl to the floor-sat in his old chair, lit a cigarette, and while he threw the match to the home, he closed his eyes, he had decided from that point go the path of memories, and without judging, relive their successes and mistakes, as if you put life in a sensitive balance, as almost every human being at some point in their lives have done or we’ll do-I thought perhaps in childhood, or in his youth, perhaps, images are never clear, but a great jumble of life.-What strange and hidden place of our brain goes into activity in moments as well?. .Do and boy man gave way to man old, and with the right of age took that decision, perhaps by that rarely had it echo, by ignorance or cowardice never would think about it, what?, if anything would change if he had learned anything, it is that it is so difficult to change the course of one’s own, as to be able to change the world?…


Amnesty International

October 16th, 2013

According to the aforementioned NGOs, the number of immigrant women murdered by their partners or ex-partners is six times higher than that of the Spanish. When the report was completed by Amnesty International, had been killed 65 women, of which 24 were emigrants. And in subsequent weeks, until November 28, died violently 14 women more, of which 5 were emigrants. According to the Council General of the judiciary of Spain, in 2006, in one case out of four women killed by violence, macho, victim and aggressor were immigrants. The significance of the increase of female immigrants as victims of gender-based violence, is due perhaps to men who migrate as couples, boyfriends or husbands are more sexist than the indigenous of the country? That conviction probably form part of undocumented beliefs, but without discarding it (there is the Declaration of the President of Mexico), it investigated is that women immigrants, by far, are more vulnerable, and that the decrease of female immigrants as victims of violence against women has come because they have greater access to information, to knowledge of entities that support them and can help, the best available to officials of the State support and helps immigrant women at risk of violence against women is not graceful concession but by recognition of the rights which havein your country, here or where they are. And in terms of possible specific machismo of his executioners, as elsewhere, of other cultures and traditions, let clear, against traditions and cultures, they prevail without discussion human rights, whose universal declaration, incidentally, has been signed and ratified by the majority of States in the world.

And that is not wet paper or empty rhetoric. Because human rights are not proprietary or ownership of any culture or nation. These include the right to life, the right to integrity and the right not to suffer ill-treatment and not to be tortured. That is precisely what We are writing.

Crown Implant

October 8th, 2013

As they reabsorb the maxillary bone, does not lose stability after a time.There is the possibility to replace teeth without filing contiguous parts, i.e., can replace a single tooth, unlike what happens with the jumpers. For its part, dentures with hooks end up damaging the teeth for support.Improve appearance: there are various treatments to meet the Crown of a tooth, but the root can only be replaced through an implant. Thus, maxillary bone does not lose volume and, therefore, prevents the face seems older, maintaining the youthful.The replacement of natural parts in full causes that with implants possible eat anything without any hassle, advantage that have no dentures, for example, even if your lace is unbeatable.Unlike what happens with dentures, the implants do not present difficulties to the patient when speaking because they do not move.We have a lasting technique, so much that you can lengthen a lifetime. In fact, they endure more than your own natural teeth and, in addition, its position is perfect and supports a load axial and proportional to its size. Not have this advantage hairpieces teeth without root, treatment that has to be repeated after a certain period of time. We arrived at the main cause of the fear of the patient, whether the treatment is painful.During the surgery, the patient remains anesthetized so you will not feel any pain. Once completed the effect of anesthesia, you will notice some discomfort as well as swelling of the treated area. The inconvenience caused by can be perfectly controlled with analgesics and anti-inflammatories.

Usually such discomfort will not be more than those produced by getting a tooth pulled. Finally I can confirm that two studies are necessary to perform a Dental implant only pre-surgical: an X-ray panoramic and periapical and in some cases a computerised axial tomography. I hope to have removed doubts and fears about the topic and feel if your dentist tells them that an implant is the best solution.


Buildings Resistant

September 17th, 2013

Make good decisions about where to live, knowing the difference between a building safe and unsafe in some way are importantisimas and should be protected from this natural phenomenon to those who inhabit any type of building. But nothing is guaranteed when it comes to earthquakes or other calamities. But luckily, there are certain methods of construction and materials to make structures more resistant to earthquakes. Being aware of this information can save you and your family. In general, all the buildings can withstand weak earthquakes. They do not break down or collapse immediately. The reason for this is that most of the buildings can support its own weight, more a little more. Even poorly constructed buildings and structures may challenge the upward and downward movement caused by earthquakes.

But it is the side to side motion which makes buildings collapse. Most of the buildings are not designed to support this. Structures and buildings must be supported to withstand the side effect of an earthquake. There are others methods that we can use, but is most common in lighter rule the building, less charges and is better for everyone. But do earthquake-proof buildings are actually constructed? But you have to determine the reasons why a building collapses in the first place.

Why buildings collapse in earthquakes? ** Most of the buildings are not built to withstand seismic shocks. An earthquake moves the Earth and sends a series of shockwaves from the beginning, but this side to side motion that causes the most serious damage. ** Some buildings have the wrong proportions. Increased the building’s height, broader and stronger structure and Foundation should be. However, many buildings tend to forget to do the necessary structural works after an additional weight of improvement. Many buildings have not been strengthened when the extra weight was added. ** The structural frameworks should support construction but most of the buildings, especially those of several floors, where the floors are built and the walls are only compatible with repose and on the walls, based solely on its own weight.


The Segments

August 29th, 2013

The focus for these interactions must be proportional staffing resources and people with a level of sufficient training and aligned incentives. Finally, another quantity of resources commensurate must go to excite the customer. Each entity in your measurement, and the larger with greater capacity, must identify and put in place improvements in the service in order to surprise the client and get out from the competition. Some succeed with his social commitment, others with their technological sophistication in alternative channels, others in his image of exclusivity segmentation of high value customers on the other hand, not all customer segments have the same value for the entity, nor have the same profile or are related by the same channels. Not a retired personal banking customer, who goes to the Office expected the same thing each week to a young professional whose main channel is the web, that the owner of a trade in expansion.

That its entities customers expect to be satisfied varies. In result, the value of each of the segments to the entity also varies, making it key to perform a segmentation and an analytical prioritization to rationalize efforts. At the large number of improvements to make in organizations to generate a level of excellent service and surprise customers who increasingly have the highest expectations, Cognodata recommends the prioritization based on analytical. The objective is to increase the level of satisfaction and, therefore, bonding and loyalty of its clients. The media are divided into three major areas: prioritize improvements in the service based on the gaps which generate a higher level of dissatisfaction in customers and track the impact of changes. Prioritize the commercial activity to meet in exceptional cases the moments of truth that higher value customers really appreciate or even to generate emotions that will hardly forget. Put in place a robust system of prevention of layoffs, retention of customers and recovery of the same based on predictive analytics and prioritizing the layoffs with greater impact on revenue and customer value.

The study of Cognodata in which participated more than 15 multinational financial institutions makes clear its concern to the problem posed by the leaks. However, his approach tends to be isolated, reactive and focused on this particular issue, and they do not show a global concern about improving the satisfaction and loyalty of its customers. Cognodata, by contrast, suggests an approach with a proactive and driven analysis vision to improve the degree of fidelity. This approach focuses on the identification of the key interactions between customers depending on the segment and in the prioritization of investments based on the generated customer value and satisfaction increase.

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Lord Farquaad

August 14th, 2013

Clearly perceives that his thoughts were irrational and there is a cognitive restructuring making it happy. Lord Farquaad, presents a few irrational thoughts thinking like a person better than the others, which makes him develop an arrogant behaviour, tyranny and abuse of power. Through their thoughts of grandeur, understands at all times that your approach is correct and true, no matter the arguments of others. However, this thought hides an unconscious emotional suffering, i.e. Lord Farquaad is not aware that actually has a major inferiority complex. Donkey, as it is reflected above, presents a conflict of fear to loneliness, and from this perspective, irrational thinking of a donkey consists of what you think is not nobody by itself and it needs to be accompanied to be someone. Think that you can sit alone causes you much emotional suffering, so their behavior is flattering, sycophantic, complacent, etc. In the case of all the characters, occurs in my opinion, following the list of irrational ideas (adapted from Ellis and Grieger, 1977), the presence of a matching irrational thinking for all of them: as is absolutely necessary to be loved and adopted by the other almost at all times.

And the overall grade given to themselves, their self-worth and self-acceptance depend on the degree of approval which will give them others, expressed differently by each one of them. Therefore, the objectives of cognitiva-racional therapy will be: identification and modification of the erroneous thoughts and their inadequate behaviour knowledge and correcting cognitive patterns that produce maladaptive ideas assess relevant situations in a realistic way learn to perceive the real facts and not just the biased formulate explanations alternative to test cases generation of skills to correct distortions the therapist will explain to the patient how they work their vicious circles so that they maintain their symptoms. The patient could understand how they relate to their erroneous thoughts with emotional suffering in your specific case.


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