Dental Implant

June 30th, 2013

It is easy to put a dental implant? Altogether, the dental implantology is one of the most difficult specialties within dentistry requiring a specialized postgraduate training of three years in an accredited Center. In addition is a displina in told evolution. Today dental implants have changed a lot, no longer a simple screw. In fact there are several types of implants and they can be classified in different ways according to different parameters. This variety of implants commercially available us permitide specialists choose with great rigor and scientific way the type of implants that adapt improvement each situation implantology is based on osseointegration, which is an extraordinary bond strength between titanium and bone that surrounds it. This allows that a tooth or teeth replacements are strongly attached, stable, and with a very durable base. All this in a way comfortable, beautiful and totally biocompatible, i.e., without any possibility of rejection.

To know about implantology also there is that dominate the other specialties of Dentistry: the prosthesis of course, restorative dentistry (for pode diagnose correctly the need, for example removing or keeping a tooth) and orthodontics (to know if we’re putting an implant in the place where in the future will go a tooth that has to move an orthodontist). But most important specialty which should dominate the implantology is the dental periodontics, since we are today facing cases of periimplantitis increasingly more frequently, and patients suffering from periodontal disease (pyorrhea) are more predisposed to contaminate their implant with periodontal infection. So the Implantologists must possess the minimum knowledge to a correct diagnosis of the presence of periodontal disease. We must also advise the patient of the importance of tobacco in the short and long term survival of implants. Likewise, there are to educate the patient on oral hygiene to keep their implants, your teeth and your prosthesis as long as possible.

Dental Implants

June 5th, 2013

Parameters for the selection of an implant dental I would like to comment on some parameters are chosen on the basis of which the implants during a case of dental implantology planning: 1.-According to its shape may be tapered or straight, can have thread as the screws or be smooth, and then with various connections to the Crown. According to its surface, they can be in many ways; as an example of rough surface (microarenadas or recorded acid), or smooth, treated with fluorine or hydroxyapatite, etc.. This is one of the most differentiating aspects, in my opinion, between the various commercial houses sold dental implants. The surface, some of the best brands (also more expensive), decisively influences the time of osseointegration, very valuable, because the sooner you finish this period, before Crowns can be put to those implants. It is also a period in which the implant is exposed to possible movements that might jeopardize its survival. According to your size may have also different implant diameters and lengths, useful to circumvent various anatomical structures, either nerves or cavities within the bone which will be hosted. 2 But we can also divide the type of implantology we do according to the time of placement when previously there is to extract a tooth.

If placed immediately after tooth extraction, or expected when the alveolus remnant in the bone after extraction heals (approximately 4 months). Call them the first, unlike the conventional, immediate-post-extraction implants. These immediate implants after extraction have the advantage that saves considerable time, and the disadvantage that are more susceptible to failure during the osseointegration period because they have virtually no primary stability. There are obviously very well assess the feasibility in each case 3.-also can be classified according to whether dental implants when placed head is left of the implant hovering by the gingiva or not. An implant of two phases It would mean that the implant is completely buried beneath the gingiva (1fase) and more forward when it goes to the metal/porcelain Crown, a small incision in the gum is made for access to the implant and be able to screw the Crown back in to the same (2fase).

Blueprint Chain

May 30th, 2013

In general, we certainly wanted Harman/Kardon Iphone s accents: these have discharged an array of iconic Mac and ipod devices sound systems inside of the Harman and even even JBL details, and the Austrian limb AKG has generated remove a lot of decent born earphones, on top of that. Though you ll find it possessed not as much achieving success and even ostensibly not as much concern in cell earphones. Planned to attend classes 08, sms by 50 JBL discharged that Monster speaker-inspired Blueprint Chain 610 being ahead of time Wireless mannequin designed for iPods, then simply afterwards centred very nearly especialmente en born earphones. At present Harman contiene discharged an alternative Wireless headset labeled as BT ($250) within an important group in Iphone Store-exclusive the earphones, every implementing construction design that can be undoubtedly Apple-inspired, hewing nearby with the start looking belonging to the black colored itouch new generation ipod 4/4S. On a tech ve, BT isn’t vastly more advanced than that classic Blueprint Chain 610.

Within just is known as a Wireless three processor chip along with a 12-hour combined solar rechargeable battery, to minute though accepted bump as a result of 610 8-10 60 minutes operated precious time, even while each of those equipment include 40 mm stereo delivery staff, watch and even quantities restrain switches enclosed headphones sync, and even fluffy bags. Number one electric powered option is known as a microphoneore at which will at a momenthile a lot of segments have been completely disregarded belonging to the past system, this includes an important fence adapter, ipod devices Wireless dongle, and even adapters designed for non-Apple headphone vents and world-wide billing implement. BT paradigm is known as a modest simplier and easier rather than 610: the application harmonizes with any specific apple, itouch new generation ipod, and ipod devices utilising choose to Wireless internet streaming and a powerful listed headphone harbour lead, recharges as a result of any specific HARDWARE harbour along with a lead, and even washboard to carry retracts moment.

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Interdental Brushing

May 22nd, 2013

Brush after each meal and also if you eat something between food, especially if you ate something sweet or sticky. If you do not brush them at that time, make sure that at least thou shalt make a strong rinse with water until the moment in which you brush them. It ideal is always charge a small brush for travel and so not leave of brush them away from home. Something very important is that at least 3 times a day to do a deep cleaning. This will take more time than usual, why is recommended to do so before each main meal and if or if before going to sleep.

Consists of more routine brushing a detailed brushing between each bracket with the interdental brush. And make sure that they are perfectly clean and shiny. Remember our rule brush rinse observes. Interdental brush is an excellent aid for a perfect hygiene. Dental floss is also very important to use it, although at the beginning it costs a bit of work that it can be used, but with practice you will achieve it. Removes up to the most minimum amount of plate and leftover food from all surfaces of your teeth (forward, backward, among them) and all your devices. Also pay attention to a little brushing your gums to keep them strong and healthy.

Where are you hinder correct cleaning your teeth and your braces consultation to your orthodontist so he can help you to improve your brushing technique, perhaps also recommend a mouthwash special for you. After brushing your teeth and braces you must rinse heavily with water. That the water passes through all around the mouth. Then inspect your teeth and brackets carefully making sure that they are free from plaque. This looking closely at a well-lit mirror has. This is very important because you do not you can feel the plate but if you can see it, but only very carefully. You will need to brush and rinse, perhaps 2 or 3 times at the same time, until you can not already observed plaque on your teeth or your brackets. This perhaps sounds tedious and tiring, but thinks they are your teeth and you want them to be beautiful and healthy for the rest of your life.


Dental Implantology: Useful Information

April 25th, 2013

Dental implantology: useful information in the first place when it comes to subject us to the placement of implants in Madrid is important to carry out a correct selection of the specialist maxillofacial surgeon since you must possess the experience needed to proceed with the diagnosis and treatment planning. The best in this selection process is performed the following 4 questions and try to collect the necessary information to be able to answer them: 1 does what training and experience the maxillofacial surgeon? 2 Does few cases with complications in its history? Percentage of complications? 3 Do you have experience in quantitative terms? (i.e., know about the number of implants that he has placed in his professional career) 4 does have experience in years? (time spent on the practice of the dental implantology as general information we must know that the buccal and Maxillofacial surgeons carried out a few extra years of training in order to get the) qualification that accredits them as specialists. This specialty, if you look at how it works in the world, is included in obtaining the title of medical surgeon. Within that field dental implantology is a small part not overly complex but with minor problems that can degenerate into highly complicated situations. In this regard the management of complications is part of the treatment and needs a capable professional for proper follow-up since although, after placement of implants the annoyances are not common, they can happen. Remember also that most of the implants can be installed without the need to carry out circumferential but simply carrying out a drilling of small size that occurs in the gums. These new techniques of oral surgery entail a postoperative much more pleasant for the patient.


Alcohol and the Brain

April 6th, 2013

I think the youth of now is the most affected by the drinks incidental who try to drink three or four cups from Friday to Sunday with the stomach vacuum can damage the brain and is related to loss of memory, attention, self-control and capacity planning, also predisposes to alcoholism. According to comments the researcher Cosuelo Guerri, laboratory of pathology Prince Philippa (Valencia, Spain) los l alcohol cognitive damages are irreversible by which the brain in formation until the twenty-one years of edad. If a young man – says Guerri-begins to drink on weekends at the age of thirteen has a 25 percent chance of engancharcea drink that as an adult, while if you start to drink at the vetiun years, the likelihood is reduced to five percent, adds. the reason is apparently that the thirteen and the twenty-one years the person’s neural and nervous system is in the process of MATURATION and cognitive damage that entails the end semanano llamadoalcoholismo can repararce then. Conosco case from a friend who started drinking at the age of fourteen, the me said that their first States of drunkenness were very harmful to your health, the symptoms I had was headache, stomach upset and gags but the siguio drinking continuously in his teens which makes young people are increasingly more resistentente to alcoholi.e. suffer less discomfort by consuming and vallan accustomed despite damage to the liver, digestive and nervous that produces them.

This writing is addressed to all teens to have awareness of curbing the abusive consumption of alcohol over the weekend.Which is enough to make the brain of young people suffer similar to the denos precentan the chronic drinkers. In conclusion the text reveals damage that precenta the brain of a young man. The latest survey of Corporation Nuevos Rumbos, made in Colombia on encontro to nine cities in the country children they start taking from ten years and girls at age eleven. In addition to seven out of ten of them is very easy consiguir liquor. We have to create awareness to the Conference on the need to curb the consumption of alcohol.

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Dental Infection

March 25th, 2013

Recent research suggests a relationship between oral disease and systemic diseases and other medical conditions. When inflamed gingival tissue causing the presence of gingivitis, inflammatory mediators called cytokines that are in the gingival tissue they can enter your saliva flow and can also be aspirated into the lungs. The bacteria responsible for periodontal disease can also enter the circulatory system around the teeth and travel to other parts of the body. Oral bacteria can cause secondary infections or inflammation of other tissues or organ systems in the body treatment with antimicrobials aims to prevent the spread of infections, Odontogenic, local extension and the contiguity of infection, reduce bacterial inoculum in the infection and prevent the complications of the Hematogenous spread bacterial (metastasis via blood)every time that oral infections and dental procedures can cause a bacteriemia (presence of bacteria in the blood). Odontogenic infections and, above all, its complications can produce systemic disorders affecting the general condition of the patient and committed his life. It has shown that oral cavity may be the site of origin for the spread of organisms pathogens a various sites of the body, if scattered microorganisms found favorable conditions, can be installed at a site and determined, after some time of latency, start a multiply.

Odontogenic infection Progresaa throughout the periodontium and alveolar bone to the affects, since this area is spread through bone and periosteum toward neighboring and distant structures. The importance of these infections lies in that can trigger other infections that compromise most distant structures by continuity and spread. The propagation distance by lymphatic or Hematogenous route may have resulting complications venous and neurological, including thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, meningitis and brain abscess. The elements influencing the progression of infection units of the patient’s condition and the virulence of the microorganism. Scientific evidence has shown a relationship between some oral infections and certain systemic diseases of cardiovascular, lung and endocrine (diabetes mellitus) character as well as alterations in the gestation tombs.


Bleaching Dental

March 12th, 2013

It is no secret to anyone that a beautiful smile is characterized by a few teeth white and gleaming, but is this good?. To answer this question we must start from a fact that few people have in mind: the natural color of the teeth is not white. Tooth whitening techniques there are variety of treatments to whiten your teeth, however the most commonly used are those which consist in applying a series of gels over the teeth that, thanks to its chemical composition, reduce various tones color of denture. The gels used to do so are generally based on Carbamide Peroxide-based hydrogen peroxide, also with a concentration of 35% or 35%. This kind of gels are usually applied by a dentist as main part of treatment (which generally takes 1 hour), to then be complemented with gels and home use toothpastes that contain the same components but at lower concentration. Tooth whitening addiction there are people who are so obsessed by the fact of having a few teeth whites who become addicted to tooth whitening.

This behavior is known as Blancorexia. In principle, tooth whitening done adequately by oral health professionals should not have negative effects on teeth, however abuse of treatments to keep teeth white, in any of its forms, if they can generate problems in teeth in the medium and long term. According to studies long term of twelve years of duration, repeated use of treatments to whiten teeth can cause damage to enamel and the inside of the tooth. Even some studies have described irreversible damage to the tooth structure, as reabsorption of the roots of the teeth, destructions of prismatic layers, chronic pulpitis, which can result in costly endodontic treatments, or in the worst cases, the loss of teeth.

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Dental Plan

March 6th, 2013

Choosing a Dental Plan for a healthy life, all components of a body must be in good condition. Dental health is important since the mouth plays an important role in our lives. The health of teeth has become expensive and many people look for the possibility of affordable dental centers. Invest in a dental plan works because people approves companies when it wants to and adheres to its services as a membership. These plans differ from dental insurance schemes and people are highly benefited by this. People have a technique to preserve as well as your money and also make the providers run with good satisfaction. Today, people are in stress by trying to save money by doing all their activities. There are different options available for people who want to continue with their finances in control.

All expenses must be planned properly to reduce costs and save money. Dental insurance and plans are elected by people to take care of their teeth. People join the plan chosen by the different vendors that are online. When you submit your membership letter, granted you reductions in the services offered. Family plans are available from which individuals can choose different treatments. When choosing a dental plan, it is best to take a look at the listings. There are different types of teeth cleaning. People can select from a variety of options and use different annual plans.

Services differ regionally allowing to plan accordingly. When using any type of plan, individuals backed by providers in your home to save more money. You don’t need to spend much money all the time to do this. Why choose a plan appropriate dental may be the solution you’re looking for. To find more information about dental clinic madrid visit our site: dental insurance source: press release sent by Infomaniaco.


Dental Orthodontics

February 27th, 2013

A few years ago he began to become aware of the importance that had to have a healthy mouth and beautiful teeth. A few years ago we do not atendiamos to our teeth since we thought it was only a cosmetic issue. Why spend us money in it? However, times have changed and now we perceive beauty in its full meaning, also in what refers to our mouths. Moreover, it has confirmed that many of the problems that, in principle, seem to aesthetic then they can seriously impact on our health. Dental orthodontic treatment many oral treatments that exist today, but it may be the dental orthodontics has a worse reputation. This is so because we are tired of seeing how a treatment is extended to three years when initially would only last about 18 months.

However, things have changed greatly and nowadays the dental orthodontics is a treatment which is no longer painful and, above all, their time of application has been significantly reduced. The new invisible orthodontics, nobody will notice that your teeth are in treatment, besides that it is reduced even to just six months. The price of the implant dental veneers are one of the most common treatments today. While initially was one of the more expensive treatments, the truth is that the price of the implant dental is much lower today. In addition, must be taken into account that the price of the implant dental today, really very attractive and economic, is not the only advantage of this treatment. It is a method that is becoming increasingly less invasive and requires few hours of application. In addition, results may not be best.

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