Friends are Everything

August 21st, 2012

But the arrows of the night made the damage until the last moment … still echo in my ear, the words of Anita Burga, he urged me with its force sui generis … forget everything and travel! But despite everything, despite the effort … painfully …

Failed! I’ve missed the hours, to quiet the neurons were swollen with anger, I made excuses to mature, so my excuses and apologies is mature, sincere, and thoughtful, and here I sit in front of you asking them to apologize for this gross misconduct . Even more, when in between there was a great effort, organization, time and dedication in planning the Third Day, which I congratulate them for their success … But the arrows of the night trembling in my body fell prevented our meeting, those arrows that flow through the air, fired from a bow blind anonymous … prevented it, as sometimes inhibit our most intimate desires, life probably will give us another chance and hope not to disappoint, I will admit that I would have liked very much, embrace and reconnect with all of you, I would say to each of you I have something personal to say, because 10 years finding out everything that happened, I gave that authority to speak to private and family issues many of you, to remember, miss and laugh … but hey, time is not yet over, for I hope next avoid these poisonous arrows.

A hug every one of you, my most sincere wishes for the holidays breathe the air of calm and tranquility, to reunite with his true feelings, hug your loved ones and to continue next year working, researching and triumphing as they are, remember that … the glory is only a few, very few, the mediocrity of many …! No need to reply to this e mail … The silence says it all! Thanks for all Friends, first, … and colleagues! .


Rafael Blasco

August 14th, 2012

One of them is the parliamentarian of Comproms Monica Oltra, author of the showy and offensive t-shirt against the president and who has obtained thanks to her those fifteen minutes of popularity that Andy Warhol granted to everybody. The deputy of lefts, fervent defender of the Valencian language, did not doubt in using the Castilian for the inevitable televising cut of their intervention in Them Corts Valencianes: the convenience, is seen, prime on the ideology. Revived other is the president of the delegation of Alicante, Jose Joaquin Ripoll, marginalized after its past confrontation with the campsista candidate Manuel Perez Fenoll. But the stellar protagonism is for conseller Rafael Blasco, a presumed political corpse does few weeks, turned now into the essential strategist of the president of the Consell. The omnipresent and effective Blasco equivalent to the ubiquitous and fajador Ricardo Peralta in the socialist side, deserved for that reason the furious attacks of the PSPV, in lips of its Secretary General, Jorge Alarte, during the recent meeting of the Fonteta, before own Rodriguez Zapatero. The certain thing is that to the president of Government it does not seem to like the Valencian socialist leader much, unlike which happens with the leaders of other regions where they do not rise either head, like the Castilian and leonine Oscar Lopez, ojito straight of ZP. Conscious of it, Alarte tries to use to top the Grtel case, as it were demonstrated in the aforesaid meeting, it turned where it into monographic subject of his intervention. The Secretary General of the PSPV-PSOE wants to benefit from the breath that gives the judicial imputation him of Camps and, in front of Joan Lerma, Ximo Puig and other historical leaders now ninguneados, took advantage of his speech one week ago using twenty times the term Valencian Community and not alluding to not one to the denomination of Valenci Country, official in his party.

Centrist is a wink more to that electorate to whom she needs at all costs if she wants to arrive someday at the Palau of the Catalan Autonomous Government. As he knows, however, that if its party obtains an evil electoral result next day 7 Moncloa will pass invoice to him, he has already cured himself in health warning that this campaign will, that is to say, finish the last Sunday of May of 2011 when the autonomic elections. Without having to hope as much, it is seen that after the Grtel case already nothing will return to be equal in the policy of the Valencian Community. Original author and source of the article.


The Moment

August 1st, 2012

We always make question of remembering in them our anniversary. Although at different times, every year we wait the time of the carnival. We repeat the same gestures and greetings in Passover. at the end of the year we make always the same trips and familiar meetings to commemorate the Christmas and new year (the places can be different and the people can be others, but we repeat the same commemoration). For these and others it is that we can say, without undeserving the linear dimension of history (therefore the things are and they are not what they are), that we live in circles. This if manifest also in our intentions and objectives. In each end of year? start of another one? we repeat the intentions: to leave to make such thing, to start to carry through one another one To stop to smoke, to stop to drink, to make diet to emagrecer, to start to make physical exercises to improve the health, to move of love, to remodel the house, to study more to pass in a competition old carried through intentions and that they will not be become fullfilled, therefore we do not remain in the same daily life of current repetitions.

The intentions and plans are made at the moment of the party, at the moment of the ticket of one year for the other; they are made not to be fulfilled! But as our life she is cyclical, we repeat the intentions, but we do not produce conditions so that the intentions if carry through. therefore, in some cases, we even frustramos in them, therefore we would like to make what we do not make nor we will make. This behavior, we can say, is one of the characteristics of the human being. The human being, among others things, is fantasioso. It creates thousand of intentions that never will be become fullfilled and if it places countless objectives that never will be reached.


WFR Adhesives

July 25th, 2012

In addition, the ratio of the width of floor plank (of any tree) to its thickness should not exceed 3-3,5. German glue stauf M2A-720″ on properties similar to glue a “B-720”. There is another variety of aquatic adhesive solution – two adhesives. These solutions are considered the most modern. The action of adhesives based on the use of emulsion adhesive and binding excessive moisture powdered composition. Clay bona H-790 consists of an emulsion or powder.

Before use, the components are mixed. Powder binds excess water, leaving only 11%. This adhesive can be used for any type of flooring, without restrictions. Dispersion adhesives dry out completely in about 7 days. In Russia, the aqueous dispersion trains are not a great success: they may freeze during transport, then their properties are somewhat worse. Solvents, adhesives have the widest application.

They harden faster dispersion – 5 days, the polishing of parquet is usually possible to start even earlier. In addition, their use in cases where there is no technical the possibility of using dispersion adhesives. For laying parquet best fit the following brands: bona 8-760, stauf WFR-4, uzin MK-73 and MK-97. They are all high quality, about the same kind and price. Quite a long time may be in the open state (15 minutes), which facilitates their use. Due to the high turnover of adhesive laid parquet can be partially tinker even after laying adjacent rows. But keep in mind that all adhesives solvents, fire risks, so work with them to be careful, away from open flames. Naturally, in any case you can not smoke in the room during the use of glue on the well-ventilated place and in tightly closed containers. Two component adhesives are also called reactive because they contain no water, no solvents, and bonding occurs due to chemical reaction, non-shrinking. Such adhesives are a number of advantages over others: they used for bonding parquet to any any reason, they are about three times stronger and freeze for a day so that you can grind on the next day. But there are also disadvantages. First of all, of the adhesives include adverse health component, so when the work is necessary to use personal protective equipment. Once the glue has hardened, it is perfectly safe. Another drawback of reactive adhesives is their high price. Reactive adhesives are typically used where the use of other types of glue inappropriate. For example, when laying a solid board, because of its large size, even in the application of adhesives solvents linear deformation is very high, moreover, requires greater bond strength. In addition, there are parquet, which is already factory-varnished. And in that case you can not use alcohol-based adhesives, the more dispersive. They can cause a dissolution, cracking paint and warped flooring.


Russian Strawberry

July 24th, 2012

In First of May in the garden of the garden complete the planting of fruit crops. Pay special attention to the condition of plants planted in the autumn: when seedlings buried or vice versa root system ogolena and sticks out of the ground, transplant them again, and pour zamulchiruyte. Fertilize the organic and mineral fertilizers, all stone and pome crops, especially trees affected by , sunburn and shake. For this round fruit trees, departing from the trunk by 1 m, make a groove depth of 10 cm and gradually, as the absorption of moisture, pour them into a bucket of 2-3 with the addition of each 1 kg of mullein, or bird droppings, and one tablespoon of urea. Under berries fill one bucket at a bush of such a solution. In May, are noticeable effects of sunburn on the trunk and shake.

Peel with a sharp knife such sites to healthy tissue, disinfect and enclosure, apply horticultural pitch, above, apply a bandage made of polyethylene film, which was subsequently necessarily clear. Before the beginning of flowering apple shake the branches spread out over the earth film, it helps to get rid of significant number of weevils. Fruiting strawberry clear from sick leaves, remove unnecessary rooted mustache, weeds, loosen the soil and fertilize the plants with urea (20 g/m2). In May, planting and mustache young strawberry seedlings grown from seed. On strawberry beds rational use of black mulch covering material, or to sow between the rows of oats. End of May – the best time for breeding horizontal layering gooseberries and currants. Pinned to the ground branch zamulchiruyte humus or peat and watered regularly. When the kidneys grow shoots 8-10 cm tall, fertilize them with liquid manure or a weak solution urea and well zaokuchte.

Before flowering, inspect the berry bushes. If they appeared aphids, cut off the tops of the shoots and burn them. With a large number of aphids shoots dip in the infusion of garlic, tobacco, or Dandelion (300 – 400 g of grass for a bucket of water with 30 grams of soap). Ural spring unstable and capricious. Happened that the beginning of May pleases us an unprecedented warmth and at the end of the month snow fell asleep just emerged seedlings and flowering fruit trees. Therefore, an experienced gardener, but our recommendations on the timing of sowing, closely watching nature, takes into account the weather conditions are days set aside for planting, and, of course, trust your intuition and experience. Well, for those whose motto is "a cold – it does not matter" a centuries-old experience of the Russian market gardening offers many methods of protecting plants from spring frosts.


How Do I Get A Sabbatical ?

July 18th, 2012

And so. How correctly to apply for sabbatical leave during the training? What is a sabbatical Sabbatical – is leave granted to students of educational institutions secondary vocational and higher education for health students, or in exceptional cases, such as – family circumstances, either as natural disasters. The period of such leave ranges from six months and reaches a period of one year in case of childbirth, according to the laws R.F such leave may be extended to six years. Sabbatical leave is granted to students only two times, for all time courses. Give you a list of documents for the admission of students to academic leave. This discharge summary – form 027-a, the shape of 095u, the conclusion of clinical expert commission (KEK), with recommendations on the Granting of sabbatical and writing your statement, addressed to the Rector of the educational institution.

Sabbatical leave, provided the student had the during the semester more than one month of disability associated with acute and severe illness. Such statement with the request for leave must be filed prior to the examination session. Otherwise, it will not be considered. Just beyond these documents you will need a description of your dean's office school, in your name. Procedure for granting sabbatical in different educational institutions is considered differently. Help 027, and 095 forms together with the decision of clinical expert committee and a student statement submitted to the dean's office. After that guide university decides on granting and length of leave.

Student being in an academic leave, at its end, is preparing to order the rector of his admission. Here also need a written statement of the student and help clinical expert committee. Students who studied on a fee basis or on contract after returning from leave for his period of cash do not pay. There are situations when academic leave is necessary, but it lacked the necessary medical certificates. In this case, we suggest contacting the company, which deals with registration of medical records retrospectively. For a small fee you will be provided all necessary certificates (095u, 027u and the conclusion of the KAC) in the shortest time possible, which will easily draw a sabbatical.


Climate Change

July 11th, 2012

The more you walk through the woods, more wood is the extent that failure to take seriously the effects of climate change, its scope, impact, effects will be felt with increasing intensity, as a threat to humanity, especially for those countries still under development. We must be concerned, as indicated that climate change and biofuel production, is seriously affecting the planet. Both of these factors exacerbate the 'seasonal hunger' that occurs each year in large parts of the planet. Drought unforeseen disastrous floods and changing rainfall patterns are affecting more to small farmers and, in general, millions of families living natural resources. In total, the official United Nations talking about that for a year, has increased by 75 million the number of hungry in the world, reaching 923 million, of which most are children, elderly and sick. It stresses that climate change is central issue of poverty in our time, according to Oxfam International Executive Director Jeremy Hobbs. "Climate change is happening more and the poorest countries in the world who struggle daily to survive, are those who suffer hardest.

The proof is in front of our eyes. The human cost of climate change is as real as any notice of dismissal or truth however, that on the occasion of World Food Day, the World Food Organization (FAO) released a report warning of risks from climate change and biofuels for millions of families living in poverty. They are phenomena that determine the difficulty of access to food and drinking water, including the expansion of diseases related to global warming.

Sonetos Literary

July 9th, 2012

In its workmanships, it had to support critical and satire on the part of who analyzed protected for the racial and literary preconception. ' ' Nobody felt yours espasmo obscure, to be humble enters the humble beings. Tipsy, idiot of the pleasures. The world for you was black and hard. You crossed in a dark silence. The imprisoned life the tragic duties.

Nobody to you saw uneasy, Hurt, occult and terrifying, private the feeling, That the heart you apunhalou the world. (CROSS and SOUSA, Sonetos, Obscure Life, 1983) the rejection in the literary ways and the press feeds its hurt, that feeds its verse. The hurt if distills, turns raw material the poetry. The concrete experience is articulated with the rhetoric, that is, the daily ingrate becomes itself into the decadentista tpica of the cursed poet. my hatred, my majestical hatred, My hatred pure saint and benfazejo, Unge me it fronte with your great kiss, Becomes humble and becomes me proud. Humble, with humble generous, the Proud one with the beings without Desire, Without Goodness, without Faith and fecundador and affectionate sun flashing. my hatred, bendito mine lbaro, Of minh' soul agitated in the infinite, Through other sacred lbaros. Hatred is, good hatred! you are my shield Against the villains of the Love, who defame everything, Of the seven towers of the mortal Sins (CROSS and SOUSA, sonetos, Sacred hatred, 1983) In this soneto, Cruz and Sousa, suffering the rejections from jobs and of its literary compositions by means of the society, it writes this soneto saying that its hatred was sacred, therefore it had an obvious reason for this and that hatred was sacred.

Next to the Death it is that the Life blossoms! We walk laughing next to the sepulture. The opened mouth, escancarada, dark Of the hollow are as apodrecida flower. The Death remembers to the stranger Daisy Of our body, Fausto without happiness It walks in lathe to all the creature In an indefinite dance macabra.


Teeth Treatment

July 3rd, 2012

Any one can have its teeth clareados, in case that exactly they are complete, with few restorations. Procedures of clareamento: Methods caretakers using chemical substances. Techniques used in the doctor’s office with the luminosity aid pra heating or laser. All can effect the clareamento. It differentiates what them is the time that are consumed pra to finish one technique and another one.

The hard clareamento caretaker more time pra to be carried through, however is less aggressive to the tooth. The less time takes the methods, more collateral effect exists. This effect, basically is dental sensitivity. To obtain a prettier smile, one technique of clareamento for laser is used. The buccal wall is involved for a rubber mask possessing small holes, that leave only teeth to the sample. Soon later, a gel to the hydrogen peroxide base is used 35%, which is a great despigmentador. The laser is used tooth for tooth using a form of penxs with luminous tip. The active light the gel, that removes pigments internal external.

This procedure can be made to each two or 3 years. How it is the clareamento of teeth? The molecules of the oxidantes gis penetrate in the privacy of the enamel and the dentine, eliminating gas oxygen which, in turn, destroys molecules of responsible pigments for the spots. How I can carry through the dental clareamento? Our teeth can be clareados through gis or oxidantes composites (erasers O2 gas) in the following ways: 1. In a doctor’s office: the dentist isolates teeth making use of a rubberized wrap aiming at to protect the gengiva and uses a strong oxidant gel. The dental clareamento with laser use is summarized in the activation of the clareador gel on the tooth in a way faster than the traditional one, being able itself to get the result waited in only one session. 2. In house (conventional): the patient, under the coordination of a professional, takes an oxidant agent not so powerful, in function to use every day in house. Advice River Tooth – Dentists RIO DE JANEIRO: In the period of the treatment, what I can or not I must make! It must be made: Efetuar the orientaes of the responsible professional. Remover the clareamento device 1 hour before the meals and restarting one hour after. Visualizar its teeth daily in the mirror, monitoring the evolution of the procedure. Guardar the device, case is necessary maintenance. It cannot be made: Estar smoking in the period of the clareamento. Tomar coffee, teas, wine tinto, Coca-Cola in excess. Escovar the teeth soon after to remove the device.



June 29th, 2012

At this moment, the dentist will be able to make exactly agree the color of the dental porcelain pages with the neighboring teeth. If he wishes that they place porcelain pages to him in all the teeth, the dentist will choose the suitable color that has a beautiful luster and a real appearance. Later to make sure that the adjustment and the color of the dental porcelain pages they are of his affability, a special light is used to harden the adhesive. Then it will have lasting a smile shining and with the new porcelain pages. What aspect will have my porcelain pages? The ceramics similar to the glass with that the porcelain pages are made is similar the natural dental enamel. This must to that, like the natural dental enamel, the porcelain pages are translucent. When the light hits against the surface of a natural tooth, it is not reflected immediately. Instead of this, it penetrates the dental enamel and it reflects the opaque dental dentine that lies just down.

This translucent effect is what it gives to the teeth his luster him. When imitating this, the dental porcelain pages provide to the patient luminous smiles and of natural aspect. In addition, the dental porcelain pages cover and repair the cracked and chipped teeth. Since a qualified aesthetic dentist makes to size and fits to his teeth the porcelain pages, it is possible to adapt to its taste and to improve much more that only the color of the teeth. The appearance of the teeth twisted and chipped can be improved to give a new and beautiful smile him.

Any fractured tooth can be repaired with dental crowns, or hoods, to which a color occurs them that agrees with its dental pages. It looks for a dentist who offers porcelain pages DocShop is a unique resource to help it to look for dentists credited in its zone who offer the services that you need. When directing it towards the informative Web sites of dentists, it can collect data on or the procedures that are considering as well as the aptitudes, the formation and the experience of the dental professionals. If it is interested in looking for an aesthetic dentist near where it lives and who it offers porcelain pages or if it would like to obtain more data on the cost of the porcelain pages, it looks for an aesthetic dentist in his zone.


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