Children Happiness

January 22nd, 2012

The search for happiness and meaning in life being back to prehistoric times, with 'varying degrees of success. " Even today, many are trying to find the secret of happiness, but for some reason, only the 'ancient wisdom', referring to mysticism, religion, and to all kinds of gurus – heads of sects. In this contemporary, 'armed with' abstract romantic and medieval notions and vague idea of what exactly they are looking for, often pass by simple human happiness. And all the 'thanks' to that under the influence of folk tales and Hollywood, from childhood accustomed to understand happiness as a gift of destiny, winning by luck, that is, as something randomly received, in addition, 'a fast', such as headache tablets. But Few people realize that this understanding of happiness involves only primitive childish selfish happiness ("Everything to me!"), it is a complex of feelings: security, self-care, carefree, comfortable to meet physiological needs and the desire to possess things he liked. Of course, over the years and added to the adult physiological need – sex, as well as the need for personal intimacy, and real estate in the prestigious things. Still, linking happiness with the satisfaction of these needs, the search is on for all the children of the same selfish happiness. According to the classification (What is it, happy?) We can distinguish 5 types of happiness, not counting surrogate forms of drug-related and schizophrenic fanaticism: 1. The basic form of happiness (by default, as they say) – Children's happiness.

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