Continuously Encrypted Share And Save Files In Data Rooms

December 8th, 2021

Guide to the virtual cooperation in company Munich, 12.10.2012 – B-2-B increasingly digital interactions with compliance and data security requirements grow. However, put many companies on file sharing solutions that are only conditionally suitable for professional use. The FTAPI Software GmbH provides an overview of existing risks and the necessary requirements for the safety of files transmission and storage in virtual project rooms with their current Guide. Many IT managers with FTP or SharePoint associate the Exchange and collaborative editing of files with clients and partners. In recent years, cloud storage services come establish in addition in the game, the staff often single-handedly in the workplace.

The need for integration in existing IT security concepts is usually dull theory. Many companies still rely on filesharing. solutions that both are very expensive to use and pose a high security risk for sensitive business data”says Marco We provide an overview, what to look in selection and operation of virtual data rooms. Gabriel, Managing Director of FTAPI software, our guide” The new guide by FTAPI deals with the major risks, which take companies at the Dateiaustauch with common file sharing systems and derives requirements for a safe and efficient data room solution. In addition, different levels of encryption encryption in conjunction with the segmentation of files presented in particular the end to end, selection and implementation of an appropriate system to help IT managers and the management. Space-data free of charge, the guide can be downloaded under. About FTAPI software the FTAPI Software GmbH in Munich, develops and sells software systems for the secure transmission and storage of business files. Their development through the European Union and that their product FTAPI SecuTransfer is based on a proprietary technology, Federal Ministry of Economics has been promoted. The 2010 founded company sets new standards of safety and efficiency in business file sharing and offers actually comprehensive (end-to end) in contrast to the commonly used file transfer solutions encrypt all files. In addition to management of manufacturing, retail and industry also TEC and MDax enterprises rank users to the content FTAPI.

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