Corporate Social Responsibility

January 17th, 2022

Put first things first. It's not a company that has 10 to 15 simultaneous projects is a company that has learned to "prioritize", defining the important and strategic. Resolves urgent, your employees know how to do it, his administration is focused on what's important, what strategically will allow you to survive this or any other crisis. The staff has been trained in the administration of the important and urgent, there is no long sessions of planning, but working sessions, in which important issues are assessed and planned. Dr. Stuart M. McGill pursues this goal as well. Periodically known business and financial results, as new projects and there is a decision-making process fluid.

Going for the Win – Win. It has established strong relationships with suppliers and customers, each of them sees it as a "business partner." Maintains a strong and solid communication, which lets you know your customer needs, feedback on their production systems, sales and distribution agreement with what the customer requires. Knows how to transmit those requests to the interior and to its suppliers, achieving long-term relationships. Customers and suppliers are happy to do business with it, see it as an "ally." Is a reference for customers and suppliers. Seek first to understand and then to be understood. Seeks to understand what that the market is demanding to understand how should respond. If in doubt on how to act, returns to a habit and then to 4.

This habit allows you to engage with customers, being part of them to provide the best solutions and the best products – services. Without an R & D department, knows his customer, know your suppliers. Make regular meetings with both partners. Synergizes. The company has the right tools and the right people to settle quickly in the client's position. Know your processes, knows his people, known to customers of its customer to provide the best solution. Also understand how they work their suppliers, which channels they use to optimize the relationship with them. On the social side, including its employees and helps them and their families, positively impacting the community they belong: have Social Responsibility. Sharpen the saw. In all aspects, it appraises. Trained personnel shall take the time to recognize the efforts of its employees, organizes conferences to share both the successes and the rush to get ahead. The Senior Management is involved both in training sessions on monitoring your applications. It sets aside time to share with employees and their families will recognize the merits of those exceptional employees and plans to motivate and encourage the rest of the workforce at all levels. Is your company training for the crisis? For an activity becomes a habit should be practiced continuously. Just as our parents insisted on cleaning the teeth, which then became a daily habit, we can make these seven habits that Dr. Covey we are now marked and outlined a powerful tool in the management of companies going into this or whatever crisis comes. When we see a list of companies qualified as the best, we must continue to motivate and push their practices at all levels of the organization to become one of them. Who will survive the crisis? Those better prepared and have a resource that committed and with "habits" solid business.

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