David Bohm

March 6th, 2014

It is a process that is related to all the potential of the human being: scientific, spiritual, artistic and social. The educator holistic view to the student how to be human possess an unlimited inner potential, as someone sensitive oriented to learn, a spiritual in search of meaning, an aesthetic be able to recognize the beauty inherent in life, a being with multiple dimensions of human experience. Speaking of intelligence this holistic recognizes the limitations of thought, what David Bohm called proprioception, or consciousness of oneself and of the consequences of the own behavior; It is a creative process closer to the wisdom that knowledge is ability of discernment to recognize responsible action. It is unconditionally linked to human values, it is not possible to separate the intelligence of love, compassion, gratitude, freedom, respect, humility, solidarity, friendship and honesty among other values. It is the deployment of the understanding of the value of all life and all human beings. Holistic education recognizes also multiple pathways for learning and different styles of learning, Weider points out that an educational method that is the best there is because every human being has their own style to learn equally valid to those of other humans; genuine education must recognize this fact and respect the multiplicity of perspectives, this aspect, art helps us to achieve this goal. In holistic education most importantly learn beyond the idea of the old paradigm teaching/learning; the logic of the new paradigm is based on the process of learning and in this new vision all those involved in the educational process converge in school and although they fulfilled different roles the objective of all is learning. Learning is a process that lasts a lifetime. Ramon Gallegos, referring to the faith, reason, and spirituality on the other hand says that: faith is a religious belief that is linked to the fear, dogmas, is maintained on the basis of the threat, is pre-rationalistic, is a pathology of the superstitious minds that must be rejected, instead the spirituality is direct from the transcendental experience, is based on the certainty of his being spiritual, its interior light, of the confidence, of fraternity, of inner peace, of compassion.

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