Delicious Produce

December 10th, 2019

Apples – useful for gout, sclerosis of the vessels. Parsley – promotes blood clotting, recommended for blood diseases. Apply year-round. Use as a seasoning. Chokeberry.

There is not one berry with such a huge content of iodine. Recommended by ms and goiter. 1kg. rowan on 1kg. sugar – one teaspoon 3 times a day. Large amounts of vitamin C contained in the dog rose, black currant, herbs (dill, onions, spinach, asparagus, lettuce), gooseberries, red tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, cabbage.

Fruits and Fruits are a source of minerals, which play an important role in the life of man. Valuable nutrients include seafood, so the East they consume a great variety of Alternating one dish after another. A few words about salt. Salt – sama controversial product on our table. His unspoken name 'white death', 'slow poison'. However, there is much evidence that the salt in the diet vital. Any fluctuations in the salt content in the plasma of blood leads to metabolic disorders and severe consequences. Every day should consume 10-15g. salt, as in the products it contains insufficient number. Salt contains trace minerals: sodium and chlorine and is a part of blood, bile, cellular fluid and helps keep water in the body and keeping blood pressure. But! Increased salt intake increases blood pressure, which means an increased risk of serious cardiovascular disease. Water – the foundation of our lives. You can survive the loss of 40% fat, carbohydrates and proteins, but the loss of 9-12% of water leads to imminent death. Our body is half water. Most of it is contained in the cells – is the intracellular fluid. Every day, around 60% of water goes into our body with drink, 30% – with food, and 10% is formed cells during metabolism. If we consume insufficient amounts of liquids, then there is a period full of apathy and lethargy, which are replaced by visual and auditory hallucinations and convulsions. Violated activities vital nerve centers – the respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. With further development of these phenomena, death can occur. Regular intake of water improves thinking and coordination of the brain. Brain and whole body will be sufficiently charged with the required materials, if the water we drink will be of high quality, that is to be rich in minerals. Adult should drink about 2.5 liters. of fluid per day. When used recreational series of 'ASTER', water regime must be strengthened, particularly at a time when we receive the cleansing herbal blends, and soft gel capsules, which help our body cleanse and . We will help you become a healthier person!


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