Dental Implant

June 30th, 2013

It is easy to put a dental implant? Altogether, the dental implantology is one of the most difficult specialties within dentistry requiring a specialized postgraduate training of three years in an accredited Center. In addition is a displina in told evolution. Today dental implants have changed a lot, no longer a simple screw. In fact there are several types of implants and they can be classified in different ways according to different parameters. This variety of implants commercially available us permitide specialists choose with great rigor and scientific way the type of implants that adapt improvement each situation implantology is based on osseointegration, which is an extraordinary bond strength between titanium and bone that surrounds it. This allows that a tooth or teeth replacements are strongly attached, stable, and with a very durable base. All this in a way comfortable, beautiful and totally biocompatible, i.e., without any possibility of rejection.

To know about implantology also there is that dominate the other specialties of Dentistry: the prosthesis of course, restorative dentistry (for pode diagnose correctly the need, for example removing or keeping a tooth) and orthodontics (to know if we’re putting an implant in the place where in the future will go a tooth that has to move an orthodontist). But most important specialty which should dominate the implantology is the dental periodontics, since we are today facing cases of periimplantitis increasingly more frequently, and patients suffering from periodontal disease (pyorrhea) are more predisposed to contaminate their implant with periodontal infection. So the Implantologists must possess the minimum knowledge to a correct diagnosis of the presence of periodontal disease. We must also advise the patient of the importance of tobacco in the short and long term survival of implants. Likewise, there are to educate the patient on oral hygiene to keep their implants, your teeth and your prosthesis as long as possible.

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