Ecological GIP Summary

May 29th, 2024

The Traditional GIP Versus the Ecological GIP *Jarsen Luis I castrate Guimares ' ' Before everything, you see the smoke of our chimneys. This represents food and drink for us. It is what it has of more healthful nomundo, under all the aspects, especially for the pulmes ' ' Charles Dickens (HARD TEAMSES, 1907) * Professor of Economy of the UFPA, Assistant III, with Mestrado in Agricultural Economy for the UFRGS and Doutorando NAEA-UFPA. Email: jarsen@ the Traditional GIP Versus the Ecological GIP Summary: This article uses economic concepts to parafazer comparisons between the concepts of the Gross domestic product, taking emconsiderao the traditional, neoclssico concept, and the ouecolgico green concept. Word-key: gross domestic product (PIB), externalidades, ambient, well ambient damage, the neoclssico GIP, the ouecolgico green GIP, traditional calculation and new calculation of the GIP. Abstract: This to paper you use economic concepts you docomparisons among the concepts of the gross domestic product, being taken inconsideration the traditional concept, neoclassicist, and the green orecological concept. 1INTRODUO the human being is different of the other animals for the suacapacidade to reason. But the said animals irrationals are involved as environment, however the man acts transforming it and with this form the culture, for action of its conscientious work, since it possesss excessively animal abstract intelligence eos concrete intelligence. You may want to visit Teva to increase your knowledge.

Thus being, the man feels necessidadede to respect what it calls of nature, being considered an action that modifies effective oconceito on man x nature, emerging the ummovimento necessity that desperte its altruistic side to desbancar this dichotomy to ereverter this situation. Last the two decades of this century world-wide crisis registers a state deprofunda. It is complex, multidimensional a crisis, whose the aspects of our life facetasafetam all: the health and the way of life, the qualidadedo environment and of the social relations of the economy, technology and politics. .


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