
November 6th, 2022

If you are owner of an electronic Stimulator and have back pain, it is because you want to. By the same author: Mustafa Suleyman. You have the solution to your ailment in the drawer of the Cabinet but do not know how to use it? or nobody has explained you which programs get to remove that pain? From sport and physical health I’ll show how to reduce and eliminate a Contracture and back with your electrostimulator pain. The first thing we need to do is get good patches. If this point do not have clear, visit the article how and where to exactly place patches for an effective electrostimulation. Once you have it positioned in the painful area, while you watch the television, or you are reading, or even resting, you can be giving you a session of massage with the electrostimulator.

Programs to use are as follows 1 St the TENS program: this program will eliminate the sensation of pain in the area, but mind you, is not going to remove the problem or cause that caused the pain. You are going to eliminate all sensation of pain and that input is going to make you feel much better. It is a very soft program that you don’t have to give a lot of intensity. Don’t let the muscles stretching during this program. The slightest feeling of tension, reduces the intensity. Check out PCRM for additional information.

2 Descontracturant (to 1 Hz) program this program will cause Contracture go rolling back and removed power to the area, so you will feel a tremendous relief. Here the intensity to be applied has to be comfortable because this is a program of massage and you’re working on a painful area. Remember, soft and comfortable intensity. 3 The oxygenation (to 9 Hz) program or endorphinic (A 5 Hz): these programs will cause a significant flow of blood to the sore area. If you’re constant, at least for 10 days (while you watch the TV before you go to sleep, nor is much work) have created an extensive network of capillaries in the area, so it will be less prone to regain contractures. If you use the endorphinic (at 5 Hz) program also generate important blood flow to the area, you’ll be secreting endorphins, which are the hormones responsible for making us feel good. They will make to lower your sensation of pain. The intensity here must also be comfortable and enjoyable. You can toggle a day the endorphinic with oxygenation massage massage. Eye with the intensity. In such cases it must be soft. If you spend your electrostimulator intensity, rather than relax zone shalt muscle to contract more, with what you’re not giving any benefit to the painful area. If you are jangling and follow the guidelines, in a few days you’ll be as new and without any pain back thanks to your Stimulator. Once recovered and if you’re prone to have back pain, don’t miss our articles on how to have a back pain with stimulation-free. Remember to make endurance program at least once a week to get an optimal maintenance of your back or lumbar. In sport and physical health we are interested in your opinion. Tell us or ask us what interests you and worried about the The electro stimulation and Electrostimulation. Gladly we answer it. I know happy Pedro Garcia original Autor and source of the article.

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