Eyes Laser – For Whom It Is Suitable And What Exactly Happens?

July 27th, 2019

Laser treatment can eliminate the wearing of glasses. Almost half of the population in the Federal Republic can not see and need a visual aid, for the tasks in everyday life it is glasses or contact lenses. But glasses mean a restriction for some activities, especially if the glasses have a certain thickness. Contact lenses in turn are not tolerated by anyone or can be used in limited time and in addition, they require a certain effort regarding care and handling. So, it’s no wonder that many of a life without reading help dream.

Exactly this dream the eye lasers to help realize. Using a laser to permanently correct the refractive error. Does it work? If certain requirements are brought, this dream can be realized perfectly. So is treatment with an eye laser especially for people with a short-sightedness of up to-10 diopters, with farsighted to about + 4 diopters and stabsichtigen people, so those with astigmatism or astigmatism up to a deviation of about 3 to Max 5 diopters. This depends on getting a bit the individual circumstances and the laser system used.

Therefore, a detailed investigation and individual consultation is particularly important. You will find that special laser eye centres or specialised eye clinics, found in turn easily on the Internet by using an appropriate clinic Finder. The surgical techniques concerning the eye lasers s optimized again. For about twenty years, there is the PRK procedure, the photorefractive Keratectomy. This is first removed the deck cuticle of the cornea by means of evaporation and corrected with the laser the form of Horhaut. The deck cuticle must then regrow, the eyes to be protected with an eye bandage. A further development of the PRK procedure is the LASEK method. This does not remove the deck cuticle, but with a spatula pushed lbeiseite, whereupon the surface of the cornea corrects. Also then the eyes with an association must be protected. The LASIK method, only a thin layer of the deck cuticle is pushed aside and the operation is performed on the schmerzunempfindlichen inside of the cornea. Therefore, this procedure is painless and optimum Visual acuity is even on the day of treatment. Andreas Mettler

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