Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov

November 22nd, 2011

The words of Lenin, cited in the epigraph to this article, provide the best illustration for almost a detective story that happened not so long ago, with real estate agency "Adveks-Moscow". Her details shared with reporters Agency director general Maxim Chernov at the last roundtable Realtors Association of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. It all started with quite a story of innocent at the end of last year, the agency's office there was a lady that wants to to sell his apartment. And come not one, but a company lawyer.

Moreover, by the time the buyer on the horizon in the retinue of ladies were as much as much as two lawyers. In principle, the fact of the additional attraction of a customer Agency lawyer (or even two) nothing serious. On the contrary, it even can be seen as initiation to Western civilization, in the number of ideals which, as we know, is the presence of each cost active member of the society's own attorney, tax advisor and doctor. And the fact that most lawyers per hour, which comes to realtors customers spend their money not to help making profitable transactions, and to work imaginable and unimaginable to cavil over the years proven contract can be regarded as a problem of growth of sovereign democracy … But we digress. Thus, the bid price satisfied with all documents in the apartment in order, the next step – the conclusion of the transaction. But there it was! Instead of starting negotiations for the sale, the brave lawyers put forward quite a fantastic offer. The essence of his is that the gentlemen of Realtors, which found a buyer, ask away …

to the side, after passing all the seller contacts the buyer. Forgetting about the fee. An interesting proposal, does not it? Of course, the first agency specified that refers to the opposite side, and then rastor Anglo agreement, despite the threat of the mysterious attraction of "administrative resources". However, as further developments showed, this is not and mysterious. Some time later, the Russian Guild of Realtors, the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office, Economic Crimes, tax office and God knows where to come to an official request signed by the deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party …, Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov. The document was written by a living folksy Read more …

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