
February 13th, 2014

This mixture of words that dresses and shoes is to explain that there are things that are unique, though, sometimes not entirely exclusive, feminine domain. Some are constituted in karma, others are inherent in the status of women, some cause us hilarity, other benefit and others a bit of laughter. According to how and who look at them. Somewhere I don’t say that to EA It wasn’t him because it seems to me that you I will not believe. To pass the or the what follows the curse of shifts. Calendar under the arm, the woman knows at the beginning of the month has an unwavering mission: get several shifts a month.

Read: Gynecology, dentist, hairdresser to cite some of the more gruesome. That Yes, we have the perfect revenge, when it touches us of the transient that, Hurrah!, there to take out any advance or no previous preparation, except have always at hand, the spontaneous desire to enjoy, celebrate to the crazy/ACE. You doubt existentially female: temporary depilation with (the element of torture to choice:) typewriter razor on him, when we’re rushed, we we love even if you sow more hair and he wants us to kill, or some electrical and electronics and the Cleopatra dream of plucking us, the whole hour, while we let our imagination that inexorably ever plan on address to a. NT waxy epilation and the ays with each boot of the element when it dries on our skin. And the family behind the bathroom door wondering if we are alive; until they become accustomed to the matter and by more than we profiramos sharp estentoreos no longer be inmutan.

And if by chance of the law, falls a visit, put it, automatically, in cars saying: pst, not do case, is MOM epilating wax. Thus our intimacy also will, automatically, to the devil. Creams anti age that leave us more ojerosas than usual and consequent exclamations in the mirror: the perfumery I conned, propaganda says anti wrinkle and anti age and wrinkles They proliferated and I look older before exonerate my dinerillos .grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr be with the visit of Andres just when we started vacations or finally have decided to go to a swimming pool.


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