Having A Baby

February 19th, 2016

Assist the mother to keep going when you feel tired or exhausted in a prolonged and difficult labor. Provide encouragement and courage for labor. Strain by prolonged labor. To relax the uterine muscle. Relieves pain.

Fear of childbirth. Inducing labor and dilate the cervix. Legalising contractions. For a labor and delivery traumatic. Fertility Help women to balance the poles between work and motherhood or profession especially if there is confusion or conflict Assists also in female fertility problems. For emotional problems that cause sterility.

Stimulates fertility in couples. Facilitator of pregnancy. For depression for infertility or hysterectomy. For no physical causes sterility. To act on the reproductive system to create an empathetic bond with the partner for procreation. Overcome the side effects of birth control pills. Flores Family Fear of fatherhood. Healing the father figure for those who have had various conflicts with his father, and thus be able to assume a different form of this important role. maternal image Sana strengthening the bond between mother and child. For single mothers gives strength and courage to raise children by restoring maternal capacity. excessive concern for the welfare of the baby and her mother. It can be used in times of extreme stress, when the hysteria or panic can not be in charge of the situation to make good decisions. The most creative time a woman can be mothers, but sometimes for different reasons, whether physical or emotional or both at once that time is delayed long-awaited and special. Nature can provide from its infinite wisdom with flower essences go towards the achievement of the nine moons. This journey lasts about the gestation of a new being. In this way, flower essences are invaluable in female infertility and problems of motility, viability and sperm count. The EF can be balanced physically functioning reproductive systems. Each case will require an accurate assessment and treatment that takes into account all the parameters .. As Dr. Edward Bach said no more than reach out to meet with the garden of flowers.


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