Heath Paraibano

March 10th, 2014

Being formed for the union of 66 cities grouped in eight microregions as: Heath Paraibano, Great Campina, Curimata Occidental person, Eastern Curimata, Hope, Guarabira, Itabaiana and Umbuzeiro. With geographic characteristics through its main urban centers as: Great Campina, Guarabira, Sand, Banana trees, Great Alagoa, Solnea, Cuit and Queimadas.Situada in a transistion area enter the Zone of Mata and the Hinterland, the Paraibano Wasteland correspond to the portion east of plateaus of the Borborema and its depression is acatingada with species of Atlantic bush transistion vegetation, having observed always the presence of plants in such a way of trays how much of the sertes. Where its altitude is situated in the intermediate part of the State, through the mesorregio of the Wasteland that occurs to the coast, in the direction west, it corresponds initially to a depression, with 130m of altitude, formed for crystalline rocks, and that soon of the place to abrupt scarps of the Borborema, whose altitudes exceed 600m. Having as base the Plateaus of the Borborema that represents the part highest of the paraibano relief, with mountain ranges and scarps. Extending itself of Alagoas until the Rio Grande of the North, It is the more important relief accident of the Paraba with the biggest altitudes that are in the verge with Pernambuco. Where higher point of this relief is in the Mountain range of Teixeira in the city of Matureia, Pico of the Jabre with 1197metros of altitude. For its topographical profile, the Plateaus of the Borborema serve of barrier for the come humid winds of the ocean, what it allows to the rain occurrence in the hillsides east of the region. The characteristic climate of this region is Tropical Half-Barren – hot and dry with summer rains and is located in the area of the high Hinterland the west of the state. Where rains of 500 mm per year occur on average, with irregular rains in the summer and the autumn, the central region of the state, enclosing the Hinterland and the region of the Cariri.


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