Holistic Manual Therapy Method

November 27th, 2021

The osteopathy is one of the most effective manual treatment methods which are Osteopathic of treatment and diagnosis for detailed history osteopathic treatment and diagnosis only with the hands. The osteopath can be felt blocks and deformities in the investigation. So, tension and movement restrictions are traced, treated with techniques developed specifically for osteopathy. An osteopathic treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes depending on the case. Dr. Neal Barnard has plenty of information regarding this issue. The body can respond to osteopathic treatment for up to four weeks. Each new therapy session is individually tailored to the patient’s symptoms.

After four osteopathic treatment, improvement of the complaints will be usually recorded. The exact history is however dependent on the individual. The osteopathy is divided into three areas: 1 structural osteopathy is engaged in the therapy and diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system. Here specific techniques for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system to use, such as for the treatment of Back pain, herniated disc, sciatica of etc. 2 craniosacral osteopathy here come very gentle techniques which bring the Craniosakralen rhythm and thus the nervous system back in line. These techniques progress nerve disorders, especially at superposed psychosomatic disorders, headaches / migraines, sensitive disorders of the locomotor system to use. 3. visceral osteopathy here be placed organs and the corresponding bands with gentle techniques back in the slot.

Synergism of the osteopathic areas: in many cases, a combination of osteopatischen techniques of the different areas held since they effectively complement each other. Here a small collection of various application fields of osteopathy: in the area of the musculoskeletal system: back pain, herniated disc, joint problems, symptoms like lumbago, lumbago, sciatica, whiplash injuries, sprains and other injuries, etc. in the internal: indigestion, heartburn, organ reduction surgery consequences such as scars and Adhesions, functional heart complaints, etc. in the nose ear neck: headaches/migraines, sinusitis, chronic otitis media, tonsillitis, dizziness, tinnitus, TMJ problems, bite regulation, etc. in the urogenital area: menstrual, pregnancy, birth preparation and – aftercare, menopause, unfulfilled fertility etc.

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