How Do I Get A Sabbatical ?

July 18th, 2012

And so. How correctly to apply for sabbatical leave during the training? What is a sabbatical Sabbatical – is leave granted to students of educational institutions secondary vocational and higher education for health students, or in exceptional cases, such as – family circumstances, either as natural disasters. The period of such leave ranges from six months and reaches a period of one year in case of childbirth, according to the laws R.F such leave may be extended to six years. Sabbatical leave is granted to students only two times, for all time courses. Give you a list of documents for the admission of students to academic leave. This discharge summary – form 027-a, the shape of 095u, the conclusion of clinical expert commission (KEK), with recommendations on the Granting of sabbatical and writing your statement, addressed to the Rector of the educational institution.

Sabbatical leave, provided the student had the during the semester more than one month of disability associated with acute and severe illness. Such statement with the request for leave must be filed prior to the examination session. Otherwise, it will not be considered. Just beyond these documents you will need a description of your dean's office school, in your name. Procedure for granting sabbatical in different educational institutions is considered differently. Help 027, and 095 forms together with the decision of clinical expert committee and a student statement submitted to the dean's office. After that guide university decides on granting and length of leave.

Student being in an academic leave, at its end, is preparing to order the rector of his admission. Here also need a written statement of the student and help clinical expert committee. Students who studied on a fee basis or on contract after returning from leave for his period of cash do not pay. There are situations when academic leave is necessary, but it lacked the necessary medical certificates. In this case, we suggest contacting the company, which deals with registration of medical records retrospectively. For a small fee you will be provided all necessary certificates (095u, 027u and the conclusion of the KAC) in the shortest time possible, which will easily draw a sabbatical.


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