Illness Way

February 19th, 2016

Symptoms of the disease – is an expression of internal conflict and at the same time a way to highlight the problems of human life. And the disease is important to understand from this point of view. The first thing to remember, the disease always seek to wrest us from the habitual way of life. Eg. Influenza deprives for us to go for a visit and forced to lie in bed.

A broken leg does not allow sports and enforces rest. Or we start to hurt back. Illness puts us in bed and makes reducing the load. But we complain about it, instead of thinking about their lives. Take medication and it became easier to come back to the traditional way of life for us. And we continue to do what we did until the disease again put us in bed.

We live in such a way as used to it! Looping! Necessary moment of healing – the destruction of the patterns of behavior that led to the emergence of the disease. This could be your life principles, habits Conduct assessment of life events, their own and others actions, "stereotyped" behavior, lack of love for example. there unconscious installation: "I must be the perfect mother." And she, instead of just love child begins to play her invented an ideal relationship. Following invented the image, it ceases to enjoy the communication with the child. Infinitely tired and irritable. What kind of love, in this case may we talk about? Or, in this example. The media, parents, offer boys, boys to follow a certain pattern of masculinity: "You're a real man if you can be so " And if a boy or indecisive it just does not want to follow the proposed "model", a child born in the soul of an internal conflict, "If I myself am not so, I'm not a man." Excuse me, but who said that "stereotyped" behavior, this rule for all? And how right person to express their individuality, their "I". Why mutilate his own soul? Man in taka situation enough internally to decide on what worries him and the pain is exercise. To understand message of his illness, describe their feelings during an attack of illness. And then ask yourself the following questions: What prevents my illness in my life? That the illness causes me Delatite? What terrible would happen if I doing something that encourages me a disease? What are alternative ways to solve my life problems, relationships with others in the family, at work Write down your answers. They contain what's inside you prevent necessary changes. And most importantly, you'll see the direction in which to move in your life. M when you expand the life in a favorable direction, you are surprised to discover that the disease has receded, but not be otherwise could, in fact it has fulfilled its function and forwarded your life back on track for you. Be well.


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