Internal Medicine Definition

November 23rd, 2012

In this first subject one is to define some basic concepts of the general medicine, that later will be necessary for the understanding and understanding of the rest of agenda. Brief reminder of the state of health or disease: There is no a unique and totally satisfactory definition of the concepts of health and disease. Next two are exposed that can be useful for the development of the subject: Health: Complete mental and social physical well-being and not only the absence of disease or impediment (the WHO) Disease: Alteration or deviation of the physiological state in one or several parts of the body, by causes generally known, indicated by symptoms and more or less characteristic signs, and whose evolution is more or less foreseeable. The diseases, according to their course can be acute or chronic: Acute disease: It begins of fast way, and it is of short duration. Habitually it is cured although it can lead to the death or leave sequels.

The infections are typical examples. Chronic disease: It can begin of way more or less acute. It is not cured. It evolves slowly, it affects the quality of life of the patient and, based on its characteristics, they can produce the death to means or length term. The hepatic cirrhosis, the rheumatic diseases, chronic labroncopata, etc. 1 are examples. Concept of General Pathology: Of the Greek: pathos = disease, suffering and logo = tried, study.

It connects clinical basic science and. The introduction to the clinic can be considered. It is defined as the study of the common reactions of the organism against the diseases. Example: the general pathology studies: diarrheal, febrile syndrome. A is opposed: Special pathology: that it studies concrete diseases: Reumatoide arthritis, disease of Crohn Internal Medicine Definition: Specialty that are in charge of the study and treatment of any disease that affects any organ, system or apparatus.


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