Juicy Couture

October 2nd, 2011

American designer brand Juicy Couture miraculously manages to combine the collections of luxury and practicality, exclusivity, and daily life, classics and coquetry. Juicy Couture clothing is created with love and for love, rather, to flirting – light, playful, pleasant flirtation! In the plush peach-colored jogging suit can not be unhappy, just a sweet and adventurous! Incidentally, this track suits from a plush, velvet and cashmere brought brand Juicy Couture first success. Sports Kits cheerful colors relished the many Hollywood celebrities and fashionistas have been the subject of desire around the world. In such a suit can shine at a posh party, but with am just going for a jog! Ironic slogans 'Wake up and smell the Couture' or 'Dude, Where's my Couture?', Flaunt on clothing Juicy Couture, firmly established in the lexicon of American fashionistas. The popularity of Juicy Couture gaining momentum – as early as 2002 to the public were presented men's and children's collection, a line of beachwear and even handbags and accessories for dogs. Needless to say, that all new lines waiting for a crazy success? The first mono-brand store Juicy Couture opened in 2004 in Las Vegas, and then followed by Atlanta, Dallas and … the whole world. Today Juicy Couture is a real empire – an empire ironic luxury!

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