Laser Dentistry

January 26th, 2016

Laser dentistry clinic 01 – to prepare materials for the removal of casts, polivinilsiloksanovy material silagum: base, catalyst, correcting layer. impression tray, the food wrap. 02-mix equal Number of base and catalyst. 03 – add to an impression tray resulting mass. 04 – to cover the cast of the film layer of the food. 05 – in this form to make an impression in the mouth. 06 – first positioning and presses the impression tray in the posterior teeth, and then the front. 07-no waiting for curing the material almost immediately flaw spoon of the oral cavity.

08 – remove the film from the cast. 09 – to correcting layer with a pistol. 10-teeth dry air jet from the gun before making an impression tray in your mouth. 11 to make an impression with the corrective weight. Position and press it to the first bubble, and then to the front group. 12 to hold the spoon with both hands before hardening mass-5 minutes. 13 – removed the spoon.

14 – to evaluate the resulting mold. it should not contain pores and clearly reflect the line surfaces. cast of the lower jaw is made similarly. but casts must also attach to the work of the photo: the face patient's full face, profile, full face with a smile. photo of dental ryado in somknutom state-front and 2 side projections. and separate the upper and lower dentition of the occlusal surfaces of the doctor: Marina Kolesnichenko Safety and netravmatichnost. All equipment clinics, led by Marina Kolesnichenko, meet the highest safety standards, and procedures are conducted under the supervision of qualified incessant specialists.

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