
April 17th, 2018

The majority of cats that exist today, worldwide, have their origin in Egypt, the first cats that lived with the man in this place were Egyptian cats Felys lybica. In its origins, the cats were wild animals, hunted all kinds of animals such as lizards, birds, some insects, but above all rodents. Egyptian cats began to be appreciated thanks to its ability to trap mice that ruined crops and grains were eaten. The great value of the cat as Hunter did the Egyptians wanted to domesticate them. But Egyptian cats were not only appreciated by this, religion in Egypt had a very special place for this animal, considering him divine, sacred, and even thought that they were the reincarnation of gods, especially Blacks. Whole family in Egypt had at least one cat in their homes since constituted a great protection and a symbol of good luck. While better Egyptian cats, were treated more blessings brought home, why eat equal or better than the same family. Its importance increased when they were able to train them so they hunted birds for food for the family.

When the Egyptian cats died, was a great tragedy for all members of the family, why all the hairs of eyebrows were removed as a sign of mourning and made them mummify to have them stored in special places. This occurred when the cat died by an accident or by natural causes, but that individual who killed one of these Egyptian cats, with or without intention, and including himself Pharaoh, was punished severely, almost always the punishment was death. As cats were divine animals, kill them was worse than killing a man. Being so important (rather than a human), Egyptian cats were the first saved in case of fire or any other tragedy, could die a member of the family but never your cat. The animal was represented in any part, when there was a birth to the baby immediately placed you a Medallion as a symbol of protection, thus guaranteeing the child’s health and so the Egyptian cats were also warranty so that many more were born. In times of war the inhabitants of Egypt many times were defeated due to this worship toward their Egyptian cats. It was both her respect you, in a battle that took against the army of Persia, not left them no choice but to surrender and leave that they invaded the city, because this army arrived fully protected with cats!, in such a way that they could not hit them without having first injured the poor Egyptian cats. To care for the health of the animal, it was believed that it was enough to manage the Egyptian cats a little blood from someone in the family, in addition to be able to keep away the evil spirits.

Egyptian cats have always been a symbol of beauty, thanks to his bearing, his mysterious gaze and its great agility. This allowed him to survive difficult situations as mentioned above: fires, invasions, attacks, etc. (hence the saying that a cat has 9 lives).

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