Power Agreement

June 19th, 2019

But It will only be able to walk with me will have between us agreement. Am 3:3 Porventura will walk two together ones, if they will not be in agreement? As to affirm that I walk with God if my negative words they are contrary to the word of God. Who walks 24hs per contrary day the word of God. Examples of the word of God versus the word of the devil. WORD OF GOD NEGATIVE WORD – Not subjects, I am with you. I have fear – God does not forget it son God if forgot me – You it is my rock so I am shaken – the joy you is my force Is so sad, nothing cheers to me.

– I can all the things. I cannot nothing – I will never leave you, I will abandon never you I am one rejected, I am alone – This battle is not its, but she is mine I have fought very, fought the workmanship of God already is consummated, what we need is not that it makes something, already is everything ready, we only need the revelation on what already he is ready. Ef. 1:17 – 19. So that the God of ours Mr. Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, gives in its knowledge the revelation and wisdom spirit to you; having illuminated the eyes of your agreement, so that you know which is hope of its vocation, and which the wealth of the glory of its inheritance in the saints; which on excellent largeness of its power on us, the ones that we believe, according to operation of the force of its Necessary power to speak of the effectiveness of the Power of God in Christ.


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