Professor Wilhelm Niedermeier

April 29th, 2014

Perfect dentures organized Board of Trustees colourful programme around teeth and since its inception over 20 years ago perfect dentures (KpZ) the public comprehensively dealing with Dental restorations dentures informed the Board of Trustees. “” Under the motto: KpZ on the spot: understand dentistry, dental technology experience “now organized with the Centre for dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery of the University Hospital of Cologne an information day for the population as well as students and representatives of the media in the Cathedral City of the non-profit association: on 16 November perfect dentures revolves all around the topic”. If you have a question, can send advance she will be answered then locally and on the Internet. Lectures and presentations, discussions and common exchange the program of our info day is very diverse”, explains Professor Hans-Christoph Lauer, head of the Scientific Advisory Board of the KpZ, and Director of the clinic of Prosthodontics of the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University of Frankfurt. Our event goal is to enable the Visitors to give thorough and easy to understand information and to place in the conversation with them.” The information day performed dentistry and dental technology to be touched in November in cooperation with the clinic of Prosthodontics Cologne. “Director Professor Wilhelm Niedermeier appreciates the community project: from the event will benefit not only the aspiring dental professionals of our Institute have the population here the opportunity to experience their theoretical knowledge in practical implementation.” How does a bridge? What steps are necessary to the completion of a Crown? And why is an implant planned actually first on the computer? Answers to these questions will receive the guests of the information day at the information stands in the foyer. In conversation with experts in dentistry and dental technology experience visitors first-hand, what matters in the manufacture of German quality dentures and what you should look for a patient.

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