
January 6th, 2022

Specifically, this concerned the marked improvement in cognitive performance (memory performance) and the strengthening of the immune system with a halving of infection-related sick days. The second example is men. Various Oncology working groups have found that lack of the diseased prostate in some vitamins and trace elements, while she is oversupplied with other trace elements. Is makes no sense, is possibly harmful to swallow a wide range of micro-nutrients to the prevention of prostate cancer. Therefore, French researchers had more than 5,000 middle-aged men for over 7 years swallow a cocktail of micronutrients, which was exactly the lack of situation of a cancer prostate. More information is housed here: Barry Collins. The result of this mega study conducted according to modern standards of examination was that the men with a cocktail from the 5 micro-nutrients only half as often at the end of the study after 7 years Prostate cancer developed as the men in the comparison group without the cocktail.

An identical qualitative and quantitative composition is available in Germany as ProVitum (PZN 4604261) for the prevention of prostate cancer. The last example concerns people with degenerative joint problems, which in most cases can become a full-blown arthritis. The arthrosis of different joints have numerous causes. One is of our modern diet. It has become simply Dowdy, eat regularly well mixed meat or even Greaves lard.

That is certainly good for the line, but bad for the joints, because the micro nutrients included in animal connective and adipose tissue of articular cartilage as construction and lubricants needed for a smooth functioning. They are missing there is the accelerated wear of the joint with osteoarthritis, sufficiently available, can this be prevented. Numerous studies have shown the modern criteria relevant in the meantime, that feeding the as Chondroprotektiva slowed designated joint construction, the joint wear cheap influenced the course of osteoarthritis can be and. ArtVitum is a preparation with two Chondroprotektiva, as in different studies have been employed. It is indicated for the nutritional treatment of osteoarthritis. The examples could continue, but outside the scope of. So what remains as a conclusion? Ask the pharmacist! He or she can recommendations be based on his knowledge, in which cases vitamins and co. can be meaningfully applied or when you should better keep their hands of. Want to learn more about preparations containing micro-nutrients and study background the reader, he is invited to visit us on the Web on. Literature can be requested from the author. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

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